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DS in the Multiverse of Madness - Ils en parlent...

MessagePosté: Jeu 14 Jan 2021 19:43
de EagleWolf

MessagePosté: Jeu 11 Mar 2021 12:57
de EagleWolf
À propos de Sam Raimy :

"Sam, amazing. He's so collaborative. God, he comes with the baggage of an icon. He's an incredible force, especially in this genre. But he's so humble, he's so nice, he's so appreciative, you really wanna serve him. And boy, when he's happy, you know you've done something right. He's so good at getting you there and getting it there. It's been a very, very collaborative process, this one. Our origin stories, I guess, and obviously the beasts that were the Avengers films to be a part of were a thrill, but you're kind of just along for the ride. You do the best with what you've already got given to do. The second time around, there's a bit more of, 'So, what do you want to do, and how do we go about solving this?' So it feels very creative. Scarily so, sometimes."

MessagePosté: Sam 24 Avr 2021 17:22
de EagleWolf

MessagePosté: Jeu 20 Mai 2021 18:48
de EagleWolf
Elizabeth Olsen sur son rapport à Wanda :
"I have spent the last 7 years playing this character and she has changed and grown with me. But it wasn’t until WandaVision, and now Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, that I felt a sense of ownership and creative license with her."

"Every Marvel movie is unique and this one is sure to surprise fans. I can’t wait to see your reaction, especially when it comes to the WandaVision part.

MessagePosté: Sam 22 Mai 2021 15:32
de EagleWolf
Elizabeth Olsen lâche un détail intéressant sur Wanda pendant le podcast de THR's Awards Chatter :
"She has a few fun powers. You know, telekinesis, she can travel between universes..."

MessagePosté: Sam 22 Mai 2021 15:33
de Adanedhel
Alors ça c'est plus sensé être la spécialité d'America Chavez, pour le coup... :perp:

MessagePosté: Dim 20 Juin 2021 11:11
de EagleWolf
Elizabeth Olsen sur l'ambiance du film :
I think it’s scarier than Indiana Jones. I think it definitely feels more Sam Raimi than that. So maybe that was the goal, but it definitely became something darker I think. Yea, not like [Raimi's] western [stuff]... Yes, the horror genre feeling of constant fear and thrill and misleads and playing with camera, playing with how the perspective of the depth of field in order to make the audience feel more anxious... It’s more... I think it's more than like a glossy Indiana Jones movie. Which I love Indiana Jones, but I feel like it has a darker thing going on.

MessagePosté: Dim 20 Juin 2021 13:22
de Yehuda
Bon même s'il y aura toujours ceux qui n'y croiront pas et/ou qui critiqueront le film quoi qu'il advienne, je suis content que ça prenne cette direction et qu'ils insistent sur l'appartenance de ce film au genre horrifique :D Entre Morbius, MoM et Blade on voit que de nouvelles possibilités s'offrent au film SH sans compter le kung-fu pian (Shang Chi), le peplum (Eternals), le legal show (She Hulk), etc.

MessagePosté: Jeu 24 Juin 2021 11:41
de ciceron92 ... e-scarier/

Autre article qui confirme l'aspect effrayant de DS 2, mais qui confirme une théorie que je défend ici, à savoir que le COVID n'a pas forcément été négatif pour le MCU, en laissant plus de temps de préparation (et je dit bien effet positif strictement pour le MCU...tant de victimes de cette horreur!).

Maintenant, ma crainte sera l'intervention des producteurs qui, j espère, ne vont pas trop édulcorer la vision de Raimi.

J ai toujours hâte de voir SHuma Gorath, même si je crains que le méchant dans Suicide Squad permette, cette fois-ci, à DC de griller la politesse à Marvel.

MessagePosté: Jeu 15 Juil 2021 11:18
de EagleWolf
"It was really hard. Sam Raimi is lovely, and I got to learn a lot from him. It was odd going from WandaVision and bringing this character to a different film that felt more based in the Marvel films."

"I felt like I was putting on old shoes. It’s a very scary movie. It’s old Sam Raimi. They’re trying to create the scariest Marvel movie. So there’s that!

MessagePosté: Sam 31 Juil 2021 18:17
de EagleWolf
Le scénariste Michael Waldron sur Strange et Raimi :
"I think that Stephen Strange has been through so much between that first movie and now. That first movie was an incredible origin story of how he became a sorcerer, but now he's been through that. He's fought Thanos [in Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame] and he's on the other end of it, and he's kind of at the height of his powers. So it's an interesting place to catch up with him."

"[Working with Spider-Man trilogy director and MCU first-timer Raimi] was a blast. That was the experience of a lifetime. We had a great time writing and developing that movie last year and then shooting it over in London at the end of last year and the top of this year. It was great. Sam's an incredible director [and] the cast is unreal on that movie. So it's a hell of a ride."

"It was good, except for all the times in writing Loki that we were like, 'Well, that'll be Doctor Strange 2's problem.' And then suddenly it's your problem. (laughs) No, it's great to just continue to expand the MCU and to just get to lay another brick in that amazing, ongoing story. It's a privilege.

MessagePosté: Mar 17 Aoû 2021 17:46
de EagleWolf
Benedict Cumberbatch :
"I will say, Sam Raimi is a master of this genre and yet his presence, his friendship, his directing, all of it, he was just really, really brilliant. [We have] an amazing, amazing cast of returning regulars, and that’s all I can say because that could get me into trouble."

"It’s pretty bonkers. I will say the clue is in the title; it is the Multiverse of Madness, it’s pretty far out.

MessagePosté: Mer 18 Aoû 2021 12:10
de Yehuda
"returning regulars" ? On peut compter Wong, Strange, Wanda mais qui d'autre ? Loki ? Spidey ? Vision ? Des versions alternatives d'autres personnages ?

MessagePosté: Mer 18 Aoû 2021 14:21
de VinceFury
Yehuda a écrit:"returning regulars" ? On peut compter Wong, Strange, Wanda mais qui d'autre ? Loki ? Spidey ? Vision ? Des versions alternatives d'autres personnages ?

Pour Loki, je trouverais ça étonnant de ne pas le voir apparaître dans DS2.

MessagePosté: Mer 18 Aoû 2021 17:17
de EagleWolf
Bon moi je ne connaissais pas l'actrice, donc ça me donne une petite idée pour America Chavez, elle a l'air plutôt sympa :

MessagePosté: Mer 18 Aoû 2021 18:17
de Yehuda
Elle dégage vraiment une énergie, une sympathie et une sincérité qui donnent le sourire aux lèvres instantanément ^^

MessagePosté: Mer 18 Aoû 2021 19:00
de Adanedhel
Yehuda a écrit:Elle dégage vraiment une énergie, une sympathie et une sincérité qui donnent le sourire aux lèvres instantanément ^^

Ouais ça fait plaisir, si elle arrive à transmettre la même chose à travers son personnage ça sera super chouette :D

MessagePosté: Ven 1 Oct 2021 11:30
de EagleWolf
Sam Raimi sur son doute de le faire rapport au rejet de S-M 3 :
"I didn't know that I could face it again because it was so awful, having been the director of Spider-Man 3. The Internet was getting revved up and people disliked that movie and they sure let me know about it. So, it was difficult to take back on. But then, I found out that there was an opening on Doctor Strange 2. My agent called me and said, 'They're looking for a director at Marvel for this movie and your name came up. Would you be interested?' And I thought, 'I wonder if I could still do it.' They're really demanding, those types of pictures. And I felt, 'Well, that's reason enough.' I've always really liked the character of Doctor Strange. He was not my favorite, but he was right up there with the favorites. I loved the first movie, I thought [director] Scott Derrickson did a wonderful job, an incredible job. So, I said, 'Yeah.' They left the character in a great place. I didn't think I would be doing another superhero movie. it just happened."

MessagePosté: Sam 27 Nov 2021 11:53
de EagleWolf
Benedict Cumberbatch sur les reshoots :
"We're in the middle of reshoots. We're working incredibly hard to make a schedule work to realise the full potential of the film – bits that we want to do better but also bits that were just impossible to do on the day because of logistics, COVID etc."

MessagePosté: Lun 27 Déc 2021 09:17
de math7777
EagleWolf a écrit:Sam Raimi sur son doute de le faire rapport au rejet de S-M 3 :
"I didn't know that I could face it again because it was so awful, having been the director of Spider-Man 3. The Internet was getting revved up and people disliked that movie and they sure let me know about it. So, it was difficult to take back on. But then, I found out that there was an opening on Doctor Strange 2. My agent called me and said, 'They're looking for a director at Marvel for this movie and your name came up. Would you be interested?' And I thought, 'I wonder if I could still do it.' They're really demanding, those types of pictures. And I felt, 'Well, that's reason enough.' I've always really liked the character of Doctor Strange. He was not my favorite, but he was right up there with the favorites. I loved the first movie, I thought [director] Scott Derrickson did a wonderful job, an incredible job. So, I said, 'Yeah.' They left the character in a great place. I didn't think I would be doing another superhero movie. it just happened."

J'adore tellement ce gars...
C'est dingue comme Spidey 3 l'a traumatisé. J'espère un beau succès critique et publique pour DS 2 et que Raimi reste chez Marvel Studios.

MessagePosté: Lun 27 Déc 2021 13:01
de Yehuda
@math complètement d'accord avec toi il le mérite et si c'est un succès ça pourra peut-être montrer à certains détracteurs soit que Marvel Studios laisse plus de libertés artistiques à ses créateurs que Sony, soit que les mentalités des producteurs et execs ont évolué depuis 15 ans... Par contre je souhaiterais qu'il reste en-dehors de sa zone de confort, c'est-à-dire qu'il a déjà fait une trilogie Spider-Man donc s'il reste j'espère le retrouver sur un Doctor Strange 3 et conserver un semblant de continuité horrifique et une même patte. En effet on sent cette volonté pour quasiment toutes les autres licences (Gunn sur GotG, Reed sur AM, Waititi sur Thor, Coogler sur BP ou encore Cretton sur SC) à l'exception de CM et je préférerai de la nouveauté pour Spider-Man 4 ou alors un retour de Marc Webb ^^

MessagePosté: Mar 28 Déc 2021 00:38
de Yehuda

Pour contextualiser, ce Matt Ramos est un journaliste mais visiblement il saurait des choses... Et Asad Ayaz est le président du département marketing de Disney Studios !

:sif: curieux vous avez dit curieux ? Je me demande bien quels sont ces nombreux autres personnages surprises qui attireraient une foule plus large en salle ! Hulk ? Hela ? Ghost Rider ? Reed Richards ? Charles Xavier ?

Il y a un site qui a l'air de viser juste très très souvent (j'ai vérifié avec internet time machine, ils n'ont pas édité leurs articles) et particulièrement tôt, parfois en exclusivité. Et en effet ils évoquent plusieurs possibilités...

J'ai l'impression de revivre les moult démentis d'Andrew Garfield all over again :lol: ça va être la folie même si c'est juste des caméos, le grand public va hurler de joie on va rien comprendre (après évidemment j'espère que ça servira le narrative et que ça ne sera pas juste du fan service gratuit)

MessagePosté: Lun 10 Jan 2022 15:47
de EagleWolf

MessagePosté: Mer 12 Jan 2022 18:09
de Yehuda

MessagePosté: Mer 12 Jan 2022 18:51
de Adanedhel
Si ça se faisait ce serait LE caméo que j'attendrai le plus perso :D :dede: