LMO42 a écrit:Ouep je ne serais pas étonné de voir à la fin de GOTG Vol.3 un nouveau roster ! (avec à la limite une tête connue qui reste, du style Groot ou Rocket).
EagleWolf a écrit:Surprenants concept art...
Adanedhel a écrit:EagleWolf a écrit:Surprenants concept art...
ET BEN VOILA un Fatalis qui ressemble à quelque chose, c'était si compliqué que ça
Thor2.0 a écrit:
Ouais bon là il ressemble à ganondorf
Adanedhel a écrit:N'empêche, j'ai peur qu'avec le Zack Snyder's Justice League, HBO n'ait ouvert une boîte de Pandore.
A quand un #ReleaseTheTrankCut ?
(en vrai, ce serait déjà mieux que ce qu'on a eu ^^)
Adanedhel a écrit:C'est vrai, mais Trank est à mon sens un cinéaste un peu plus intéressant qu'Ayer, par exemple, donc si un engouement se crée pour Suicide Squad il pourrait aussi y en avoir un pour les Fant4stiques...
Adanedhel a écrit:N'empêche, j'ai peur qu'avec le Zack Snyder's Justice League, HBO n'ait ouvert une boîte de Pandore.
A quand un #ReleaseTheTrankCut ?
(en vrai, ce serait déjà mieux que ce qu'on a eu ^^)
"I had a horrible experience on Fantastic Four. I’ve never talked about it before. I married one off my costars, so I don’t regret doing the movie at all. But do I wish I had responded differently to certain things? Yes, definitely."
"The fact of the matter is that my two horrendous experiences were male directors. Have I not gotten along with a female director? Absolutely. And was it not the greatest work experience? Sure. But there was never a time that I felt, ‘This is happening because I’m a woman.’ Where with male directors, it 100% was only happening with me; it was a power dynamic thing."
"We had Annihilus in my draft of the original Fantastic Four when they went to the Negative Zone for the first time they were attacked. In the very first draft, they were attacked by Galactus and the whole plot, it was Galactus had fired his sort of cosmic radiation through the portal and then you found out Galactus was sort of tracking that radiation back and was on his way to Earth."
"In the second draft, they actually encountered Annihilus and he was 20-feet tall and cybernetic...I pitched him as the T-Rex from Jurassic Park and the way he would be sort of hunting and attacking them, and it seemed like he was the one who killed Victor and they barely got back through the portal in time, but it felt like a really fun twist or fun way to use Annihilus that we hadn't seen."
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