We’re thrilled to finally share that we’re composing the score for Daredevil: Born Again!
As lifelong fans of the Daredevil comics, this project is another dream come true. We’ve always had a deep love for the character’s complex world. It goes without saying that we love John Paesano’s incredible theme! More to come soon on all of this.
#DaredevilBornAgain #Marvel #daredevil
Charlie Cox : “The first day on set with Deborah, myself, and Elden was really special because the scene that was written was like a scene where we were reminiscing over old times and all the things we’ve done, and it just so happened that we shot that very early on and we hadn’t seen each other for years.
I mean, maybe not years, but we certainly hadn’t been together, the three of us, for a long time. So there was really, literally, no acting required. The conversation we were having in the green room was the same conversation we were having in the scene, pretty much.
Deborah and I had a scene where we find an old box – am I allowed to say that? I think I can say that. We had a scene where we were looking through a box and we find stuff from the past, and it was real stuff from the past.
It was stuff from the old [show]. It was like a photo frame we used on a set eight years ago and we were looking at it together – well, I wasn’t looking at it. But we were reminiscing over it, and it was sweet. It was kind of a little bit of life imitating art.”
Vincent D’Onofrio : “There are storylines that reach back to the original series. Where our characters are coming from, where we are, and where we’re going, some of those threads lead back.”
"I'll tell you, some of the most brutal action we've ever brought to the screen is coming in Daredevil: Born Again, which isn't a horror show, but really it packs a lot of power and there's a lot of visceral action, to say the least."
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