
Hellboy, Kingsman, Spawn... L'antre de tous les héros comics au ciné, qui ne sont ni de l'écurie Marvel, ni de l'éditeur DC Comics !

Messagede JAK » Jeu 12 Nov 2020 14:37

Il y croit à fond en tout cas, ça fait plaisir.
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Héraut cosmique
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Localisation: Pays Picard

Messagede ROY » Jeu 12 Nov 2020 18:09

Ptdr ce film est sur les rails depuis l'invention du train
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Zack Whedon
Messages: 22769
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Messagede EagleWolf » Ven 11 Juin 2021 11:08

McFarlane est en négo pour créer un univers partagé avec, pour commencer, une série
Sam and Twitch :


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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede EagleWolf » Jeu 1 Juil 2021 12:13


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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 44806
Inscription: 17 Nov 2012
Localisation: Far Beyond Here

Messagede Yehuda » Jeu 1 Juil 2021 15:25

EagleWolf a écrit:

C'est pas la deuxième fois qu'il nous dit ça ? :perp:
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Stan Lee
Messages: 9560
Inscription: 14 Juin 2013
Localisation: "dans le cruchemon de la caméra" dixit Kathya d'la place Clichy

Messagede EagleWolf » Jeu 1 Juil 2021 17:21

Si, l'année dernière déjà, à force le script va être béton.. ! :lol:

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Kevin Gunn
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Inscription: 17 Nov 2012
Localisation: Far Beyond Here

Messagede EagleWolf » Dim 15 Aoû 2021 12:16

Du coup, ils ont pris un nouveau scénariste :


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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede Yehuda » Lun 16 Aoû 2021 14:32

Je ne sais pas si elle avait déjà été annoncée mais la executive producer citée dans l'article, Carla Hacken, a l'air vachement compétente vu son pedigree :o Bon en espérant que ce nouveau script soit finalisé d'ici décembre et que Jamie Foxx ainsi que Jeremy Renner soient toujours attachés au casting (a priori en mars 2020 Foxx l'était encore) qu'on puisse peut-être avoir une infime chance que le film sorte en 2023 après 16 ans dans l'enfer du développement :roll: :lol:
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Stan Lee
Messages: 9560
Inscription: 14 Juin 2013
Localisation: "dans le cruchemon de la caméra" dixit Kathya d'la place Clichy

Messagede Maglor Telrúnya » Lun 18 Juil 2022 13:42

Encore une super vidéo de Mr Romain Houlès.
Si vous ne connaissez pas sa chaîne, allez y jeter un œil ! Ça en vaut vraiment la peine !
"Qui que l'on soit au fond de nous, nous ne sommes jugés que par nos actes" Rachel Daws
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Messagede EagleWolf » Lun 8 Aoû 2022 18:08

"I talk to Todd and we want to craft something that is so special because I remember seeing the first Spawn movies and then seeing the HBO versions and so we have something that is almost like an original, without giving too much away. But it starts in a way that is so cool. And it's not big budget, you know? And that's what I love about it."

"It's sort of like how when they did the Joker. The Joker, yes, is here, but the story about this man who was in fire, it's the same with what we're doing. And so, we're just getting this right, cooking it right, but staying in contact, keeping the energy going and when we lay it on you, there's gonna be some moments where you go, 'Oh man.'

"I've seen a lot of concepts. Because Todd, what he does it, every single day he's doodling and he's fixing and he's doing some things that, to me, I think is gonna be like way out when you see it. And how he crafts that cape and how that cape becomes almost like – I'll say this – as big as the screen that you're watching."

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Kevin Gunn
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Localisation: Far Beyond Here

Messagede EagleWolf » Mar 4 Oct 2022 11:06

Aaah ?


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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede Adanedhel » Mar 4 Oct 2022 12:43

Ouah, l'annonce qui sent le budget de fou :paf:
Until we reach the last edge, the last opening, the last star, and can go no higher - Enfys Nest

Venez voter pour les Oscars Héroïques 2024 !
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Zack Whedon
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Messagede EagleWolf » Mer 5 Oct 2022 18:48

Bon là, avec ces scénaristes, cela pourrait bien faire monter le budget, plus qu'à dégoter un "vrai" et bon réal' :

If we’ve got an A-list actor, A-list producers, A-list writers, then do you want to shoot for A-list directors, A-list cinematographers?. The answer is, ‘of course.’ Let’s keep the momentum going.

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Kevin Gunn
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Localisation: Far Beyond Here

Messagede EagleWolf » Ven 30 Juin 2023 17:56


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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede EagleWolf » Sam 23 Sep 2023 11:10

"We were in the middle of writing the script and then the writers strike came. So that basically came to a screeching halt, if you will. But they were pretty far along in it, so I'm assuming that they've given it a lot of thought during the strike. They know what they're going to write, the last 30 pages, which is all they need to finish. And so as soon as the strike's over, I'm assuming they're going to quickly finish that up. We will do some rewrites. We'll go into Hollywood. We'll find a buyer, maybe we'll find a couple of buyers, get into a bidding war. And then we'll come back out and make the announcement that says, 'We've got the funding, the studio, and the production date all lined up. It's go time.'"

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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede ROY » Sam 23 Sep 2023 12:56

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Zack Whedon
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Messagede EagleWolf » Lun 2 Oct 2023 18:35


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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede EagleWolf » Sam 21 Oct 2023 18:17


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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede Yehuda » Sam 21 Oct 2023 19:30

Mais du coup si Blumhouse est impliqué il y a pas mal de possibilités pour trouver un distributeur :
    - Universal ou Focus Features
    - Paramount
    - Momentum (filiale de Entertainment One / Hasbro)
    - Amazon (avec une sortie limitée en salle avant l'arrivée sur la plateforme, comme ils l'ont déjà fait) via maybe leur filiale MGM
    - Sony
    - Lionsgate
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Stan Lee
Messages: 9560
Inscription: 14 Juin 2013
Localisation: "dans le cruchemon de la caméra" dixit Kathya d'la place Clichy

Messagede EagleWolf » Jeu 4 Jan 2024 19:25

Todd McFarlane : a écrit:"Jason Blum is one of the better ones at getting things done. They tell me I get to read the script this month. The email is going out this week to remind them that they promised me that."

"Something's gotta happen. Something's gonna happen. I just know myself, something's gonna happen 'cause if I can't figure it out inside [the Hollywood system], I'll figure it out [independently]. I just know myself. But hopefully we can figure out a deal that keeps all the parties that have been involved over the years involved.

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Kevin Gunn
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Inscription: 17 Nov 2012
Localisation: Far Beyond Here

Messagede EagleWolf » Mar 5 Mar 2024 18:18

"Oh my God, I would kill to make Spawn. Are you kidding? I bought Spawn #1 when it came out, back in '92. I was all about the Image Comics stuff; I was a huge comic nerd in the '90s, in high school. I still am, to tell you the truth."

"To get it right? Make sure you go back to the source material. That's critical. Make sure Todd McFarlane is really involved - I'm sure he will be, knowing what I've heard about Todd, let's just say. And just get it right, man. Get it right. By the way, if anyone can get it right, it's Blumhouse. They did such a great job with Five Nights, with Halloween... They understand how to respect IP, but also move it forward.

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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 44806
Inscription: 17 Nov 2012
Localisation: Far Beyond Here

Messagede Yehuda » Mar 5 Mar 2024 18:35

Ce serait cool qu'il le co-réalise avec MacFarlane !
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Stan Lee
Messages: 9560
Inscription: 14 Juin 2013
Localisation: "dans le cruchemon de la caméra" dixit Kathya d'la place Clichy

Messagede EagleWolf » Jeu 23 Mai 2024 18:42

"There's a script but the writers are, they're not quite sort of satisfied with their own work, which is what all of us creative people are. We put it on paper and then we criticize ourselves. So they're going through sort of an extensive sort of rework and rewrite of it. I was just on the phone a couple of days ago with Scott Silver, the guy who's sort of manning the lead of it right now. He's also the writer of Joker and Joker 2. We're all planning and hoping and moving towards having this done so that we can take it out so that we can find our studio finally pre-Joker 2 launch, which comes in October."

[the writer has high hopes for how the Spawn movie's ending will] "have some meaning and some purpose, not just that the good guy won."

"I wish everybody could hear the conversation because he is so impassioned about what he's talking about. He is so engrossed in what he's doing...It's not like he's just like, I'm just trying to get it done. It's just not a good guy versus bad guy story... He said the other day, 'I'd rather take a swing and it be too big of a swing then to not take a hard enough swing at it....He's kind of fearless and he doesn't want to replicate what he knows is sort of the safe, probably predictable path that most people would go because it's the proven path, right? Just wants to bend it. He wants it because we're gonna do R rated and we're gonna do it and it can't be mini-Marvel and mini-DC. It can't.

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Kevin Gunn
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Inscription: 17 Nov 2012
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