LMO42 a écrit:YEEEEEEEES !
Mais bon si ça se fait après MI 7 et 8 on a encore le temps d'attendre
Tournage 2021sortie 2022 ça peut le faire.
EagleWolf a écrit::roll:
ROY a écrit:Quelqu'un qui s'adresse à un collègue de la sorte parce qu'il se croit supérieur mérite tout simplement de se faire passer à tabac sans relâche pendant plusieurs minutes par 4 gaillards qui font le double de lui, point. Surtout cette raclure de mascotte de secte. Si seulement il y avait des camps mis en place pour foutre ces batards au boulot et à l'école jusqu'à ce qu'il se rentrent dans la tête qu'on est tous égaux et que le monde ne tourne pas autour d'eux putain. Mais quel monde de merde.
Surprise par cette parole de réconfort étonnante, la comédienne raconte avoir rigolé et pris sur elle le reste du tournage.
"Have I ever read a script? Yes, we did. There was one that Doug [Liman] kind of slithered over to me. I would love to make it a reality, but I just don’t know when or how. And how many Mission: Impossibles does [Tom Cruise] need? Come on. Come back to the side where you can be a…wasn’t he brilliant as the cowardly hero? Incredible. I’m so ready. I’m not the impediment, I promise."
"Doug (Liman) and I talk all the time about it. I know Tom wants to do it, hopefully, at some point. But it's timing, but it's also been ten years since we made it. There was an amazing script in the works, but I think it would only have worked if we shot it eight years ago. I'm not saying we're that ancient, but you have to factor in it's been ten years."
"I mean, Emily Blunt and Tom Cruise have never been more on top of their game than they are right now. I'd be crazy not to be trying to, you know, figure out how to make a sequel. So I am spending time trying to crack it. On the flip side, time travel's really tough. Like really, really tough. All you have to do is develop a movie with time travel to come to the conclusion that humans will never travel through time because it's hard to figure out a third act in a movie with time travel. So I know for a fact humans are never going to travel through time but I am trying to crack it."
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