Forbes a écrit:“The truth is that I find the experience of Megalopolis existing and being seen by an audience very similar to what it was like when I made Apocalypse Now. When Apocalypse Now came out, people saw it and said, ‘Wow, what the hell is it?’ There was an ambivalent confusion because it was clearly a film not made with any rules.”
“People don’t expect to see food or drinks that are made without rules. Coca-Cola tastes like Coca-Cola, and they don’t like it if you change it, but movies are also meant to be a certain kind of experience.”
“With Apocalypse Now, the experience was like, ‘Wow. I have got to see it again.’ People went to see it again because it wasn’t boring; it was unusual, and they’re still seeing it 40 years later.”
“The same thing has happened with Megalopolis. Because it’s not really boring, they’re willing to see it again. My hunch is that people are going to see it again, and each time they see it, it becomes a different movie because it has a lot in it that is not apparent in the first viewing.”
EagleWolf a écrit:Je ne l'ai pas encore vu, mais j'ai regardé une critique, et là, ça a l'air de se présenter comme un état des lieux de la société, et je me dirais que, peut-être, l'intérêt n'est pas dans la conséquence mais dans la cause ? L'homme détruit par ses créations, et il n'en tire pas les leçons appropriées ?
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