Justice League - Ils en parlent...

Tout sur la Justice League et son univers ! Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Aquaman et Cyborg refont le match (2021) !

Messagede ROY » Ven 29 Sep 2017 01:22

Si ça se trouve ça va être excellent mais perso pour l'instant j'ai moyen confiance en ses dires.
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Messagede Adanedhel » Ven 29 Sep 2017 06:51

ROY a écrit:Si ça se trouve ça va être excellent mais perso pour l'instant j'ai moyen confiance en ses dires.

Pareil :-(
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Messagede EagleWolf » Ven 29 Sep 2017 11:32

Ouaip, là c'est carrément tendancieux et délicat. Si c'est très subtile et ne dure que quelques petites secondes, cela peut le faire, mais il ne faudra vraiment pas que cela se sente trop.

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Messagede Niffleur » Ven 29 Sep 2017 12:54

M'ouais... Ca aurait été plus sympa d'entendre le thème de Williams et celui de Batman juste un petit peu, mais de là à ce qu'ils remplacent les super thèmes de BvS et Mos :-( ...
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Messagede LMO42 » Ven 29 Sep 2017 15:55

Après on peut peut-être se tromper, si ça se trouve quand il dit "and I’m using it in an actually very dark way, in a dark moment" en fait il peut peut-être parler du moment où la Ligue sera en mauvaise position face à Steppenwolf et où Sup' débarquera pour les sauver ! Et son arrivée pourrait être reconnu par quelques notes du thème de Williams, avant d'avoir le thème de Zimmer quand Sup apparaît pleinement (un mix entre les deux en somme, comme cela avait été fait pour la vidéo des 75 de Sup (je mets le lien du mix sur ce lien !), ça pourrait le faire carrément !

Après je reste quand même inquiet par la phrase en spoiler...
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Messagede Adanedhel » Ven 29 Sep 2017 16:26

LMO42 a écrit:(je mets le lien du mix sur ce lien !), ça pourrait le faire carrément !

Ah ouais là ça envoie :o si il nous fait un truc dans ce style là :crazy: :crazy: :happy: :happy:
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Lun 2 Oct 2017 16:35

Le cast' donne son avis sur le changement à la barre du film (Snyder -> Whedon)

When Empire Magazine asked Ben Affleck about the changes which have been made since Whedon was hired, the actor revealed that we're not going to end up with DC's version of The Avengers.

"I didn't sense that we were moving towards something that felt like The Avengers. Joss is more than just an Avengers director. He's a good storyteller, full stop. In mid-stream, Joss got on and part of what interested him was the puzzle aspect of it, fitting in pieces that weren't there yet. He put the rest of the pieces in and gave it his own imprimatur. Joss came in and walked a very fine line between Zack's sensibility, tone, and direction. We found a really fun and inspiring synthesis of their two forms of storytelling. I was so glad everyone showed up to work for Zack."

The rest of the cast echoed Affleck's comments, with Gal Gadot pointing out: "This is Zack Snyder's movie. Joss only did a few weeks of reshoots. He was Zack's guy and knew exactly what he wanted to get." Going back to Snyder's work on Justice League, the actress added: "He has a beautiful vision."

Jason Momoa (a man of few words) said: "I [frick]ing love Zack, man. I'd do anything for him." Ezra Miller, meanwhile, shed some light on how the cast found out about Snyder's departure. "It's a heroic act at its route. He called each and every one of us and took the time to explain something that defies, in many ways, explanation. He told us exactly how it was going to go down, which was true to course. He fascinates and amazes and staggers me. Zack Snyder, ultimate [frick]ing legend. Forever."
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Mar 3 Oct 2017 16:20

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Messagede Neimad » Mar 3 Oct 2017 18:54

Ben Affleck a écrit:Henry Cavill looked like a porn star from the ’70s, just with a better body. It’s a different twist on Superman.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Messagede Adanedhel » Mar 3 Oct 2017 20:43

Neimad a écrit:
Ben Affleck a écrit:Henry Cavill looked like a porn star from the ’70s, just with a better body. It’s a different twist on Superman.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

:paf: :lol: :lol:
Until we reach the last edge, the last opening, the last star, and can go no higher - Enfys Nest

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Messagede ROY » Sam 7 Oct 2017 01:42


Ray Fisher a écrit:“I feel that Victor and Aquaman are probably the most similar in that they’re two individuals struggling with living basically half in one world, half in another. We could say the same thing about all of the characters, but specifically Aquaman being half-human and half-Atlantean, and Cyborg being half-human and half-robot. I think there is a recognition between them where they may not necessarily get along, and they may not necessarily trust one another at first, but it’s that thing when you see someone who’s like you, and when you resent yourself to begin with, it could create that sort of conflict between them. There is also a very deep level of respect at the same time.”


“I love this gang of weirdos. We’re all very different humans and we really love each other through and through. I personally always feel that the goodness of what we create interpersonally on a set flows into the quantum fabric of the film. I completely trust in this very esoteric understanding.

Ezra Miller a écrit:“I would earnestly say it was a raucous monkey barrel of creativity. A veritable artistic crockpot a-sizzle with the primordial ooze from which our vertebrate film shall ultimately rise. Rest assured, every day of this magnificent endeavor, the retired airplane hangers of Leaversden Studios shook with gleeful laughter and guttural war cries as devout humans poured themselves into this endlessly fascinating work.”


Ben Affleck a écrit:"laying Batman was a boyhood dream come true for me, so playing Batman alongside the Justice League? I mean, what can you say? The first time we all stood on set in costume, we just looked around at each other and you could tell it was a big moment for each one of us."

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Zack Whedon
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Messagede Neimad » Sam 7 Oct 2017 09:20

ROY a écrit:vie RARBG

Mais RARBG, c'est pas un site de torrents ou quelque chose dans ce genre là ? :perp:
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Messagede Batmanium » Sam 7 Oct 2017 10:48

Neimad a écrit:
ROY a écrit:vie RARBG

Mais RARBG, c'est pas un site de torrents ou quelque chose dans ce genre là ? :perp:

Oui mais ils relaient des news qui viennent de Screen Rant aussi. Enfaite, il faudrait d'ailleurs mieux citer Screen Rant comme source plutôt que RARBG.
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Messagede Neimad » Sam 7 Oct 2017 11:00

Ah d'accord.
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Messagede ROY » Sam 7 Oct 2017 11:45

RARBG (tout comme LTH ou autres quand je mets "via LTH" ou autres) relaie les infos par rapport au séries et aux films. Comme à mon habitude, quand je prends l'info sur un site relai je mets "via [...]", tout comme je mets "source : [...]" quand je trouve l'info à un endroit dont je suis sûr qu'il en est la source.

Je mets toujours un nom de site cliquable vers l'article en question, sauf qu'avec RARBG ce n'est pas possible car leurs articles sont des sortes de pop-up sans adresse s'ouvrant dans une page principale qui change plusieurs fois au cours de la journée.

D'ailleurs, la source n'est pas Screenrant, mais Geek Magasine. Donc non, il ne faudrait pas mieux citer Screen Rant comme source plutôt que RARBG, surtout qu'à aucun moment je n'ai cité RARBG comme étant la source de cette interview.
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Sam 4 Nov 2017 17:19

Cavill et Roven aujourd'hui...

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Messagede elodieee » Dim 5 Nov 2017 22:08

interview de Jason,ray et Ben aujourd'hui

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Messagede ROY » Dim 5 Nov 2017 22:10

elodieee a écrit:interview de Jason,ray et Ben aujourd'hui

Momoa a mis son pull Aquaman. :D
Edit : Très intéressant ce que dit Fisher sur son personnage ! Ça pourrait en effet amener à un crossover. ^^ Et très intéressant aussi cette histoire de "trident" ! Ça en explique beaucoup. :o
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Zack Whedon
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Messagede EagleWolf » Mer 8 Nov 2017 17:30

MmmMMmmmh :lol:

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Messagede NiradZedjati » Mer 8 Nov 2017 17:42

Digne d'un "Ni oui ni non" :lol:
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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede Neimad » Mer 8 Nov 2017 17:47

Le plus intéressant reste qu'il a lu Superman Rebirth, c'est un vrai :sun: :lol: :lol:
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Messagede ROY » Mer 8 Nov 2017 20:53

Affleck tease des surprises :

Well, I think any time you’re making a movie, you’re telling a story, you don’t want to give it away. These movies, people pay a lot of attention to them, so they have to work a little bit harder to keep it secret. There’s some cool reveals and fun twists and, so far, we’ve managed to keep them secret.
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Messagede ROY » Mer 8 Nov 2017 23:46

Interview d'Elfman

DC Comics has published an interview with Danny Elfman in which he discusses scoring the soundtrack for the “Justice League” movie, coming back to DC Comics characters after so many years, and stepping in to work on a film that has existing themes in place. Here’s part of the interview…

Back in 1988, the superhero genre as a whole was still pretty new in film. That’s definitely not the case now. Did that change how you set about writing the score for Justice League?

Well, yeah. Styles change over the years. Back then I took it into what Tim used to call “the march.” Well, we wouldn’t do that now. That would be corny by today’s standards. So, I wrote stylistically how I would write now, not then, except for a few moments where Joss [Whedon] was very consciously like, “Let’s do the old thing right here!”

There are definitely nods throughout the movie to previous successors. I do use Hans Zimmer’s Wonder Woman theme a couple of times. Joss loves including a few of those moments in the music that you know the fans are going to love. So, there’s maybe, MAYBE one moment that’s dead-on 1989 Batman.

Is it a difficult thing to do as a composer to add existing themes into an original score? And does it push your score in a certain direction?

No, because they’re self-conscious moments. We’re doing this moment here, and that moment there, but that still leaves 100 minutes of music. The bigger challenge in Justice League was that I had all of these characters and I couldn’t just go and start writing big themes for everybody because you can only do so many themes in one movie. How to fit that puzzle together was really the tricky part.

I came up with two heroic themes, one which was just an overall Justice League theme and one which was a team theme. I’m using that more when the team is coming together. I also have an “Anti-Hero Theme” as well as a Steppenwolf theme. But then I tried to provide really simple little hooks for Cyborg, Flash and Aquaman, without going too far. There’s a certain point where you just get a mess of themes, and that’s just going to be a nightmare. So, I tried to simplify those characters to just a few notes, so that there’s something recognizable, and I tried to keep my new thematic action more involved around the entire group as a whole, so it didn’t get too fragmented. But it was still quite a huge jigsaw puzzle of how to do that in a way that wasn’t too messy and served the purposed of the film. So yeah, Justice League was really a challenging film, but I like challenges.
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Zack Whedon
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Messagede EagleWolf » Jeu 9 Nov 2017 12:50

Conférence de presse à Londres :


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Messagede ROY » Jeu 9 Nov 2017 14:41

Je l'ai postée hier soir dans la section opérations Marketing et promo. :)
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Zack Whedon
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