Batman v Superman: DOJ - ils en parlent...

Tout sur Batman v Superman : L'aube de la justice et son univers ! L'Univers Cinématographique DC Comics devient réalité (2016)...

Messagede NiradZedjati » Lun 15 Déc 2014 03:26

Amy Adams parle un peu du film :

“It’s exciting to get to bring in all these other characters and I was really excited that Gal (Gadot) was involved, because it was a nice to have another girl on set, even if we don’t work together a lot, it was nice to have her there,” she told us.

When we suggested that Wonder Woman may offer some competition for Superman’s affections (as she has recently in the comics), Adams dismissed that notion: “They always think that if you put in another woman and automatically… ‘Catfight!’ No, I think that’s a male fantasy thing. I don’t think that’s reality.”

Then she added, “I don’t know how it will turn out, if we’re going to be competition, but we are not in this, I can safely say, and we’re not in real life. She’s just the coolest girl ever.”
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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 29426
Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Batman v Superman: DOJ - Le coin du casting...

Messagede DarkKane » Lun 15 Déc 2014 09:24

Amy Adams a tellement raison : Le fait d'avoir Wonder Woman n'entraîne pas obligatoirement une guerre pour le cœur de Superman. On peut toujours imaginer que le fait d'avoir une femme super héroïne va destabiliser l'homme de Krypton puisqu'il aura un pendant féminin comprenant par certains égards sa situation complexe vis à vis du reste de l'Humanité.
Maintenant, Lois Lane est LA femme du "Man of Steel". C'est même l'un des rares (le seul ?) héros de comics a avoir une love story basique : Il découvre une femme, lui tourne autour &, enfin, l'emballe ! Quand on voit les complications cœur du côté de Batman, on peut apprécier cet opposé.

Pour WoWo, sa relation évolue avec Superman uniquement du fait de la non présence de Lois dans certains comics (notamment KINGDOM COME où la journaliste a été tuée par le Joker).
Globalement, même si on peut voir une certaine attirance entre les deux, l'amazone restera plutôt un lieutenant de luxe qu'une passion. Le jeu INJUSTICE en est la preuve indiscutable où, même après le décès de Lois, Clark reste attachée à elle.
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Héraut cosmique
Messages: 1962
Inscription: 22 Nov 2011
Localisation: Clermont Ferrand

Messagede Mach » Lun 15 Déc 2014 10:06

Dans l'univers New 52 des comics qui est, quoiqu'on en pense, le status-quo actuel de l'univers DC classique, la relation entre Clark et Lois est une grande amitié (il me semble même qu'au tout début de cet univers il est question d'une relation entre eux qui a tourné court), et il partage sa vie avec WoWo. Dans le dernier numéro de Superman Saga sortie en France ils font d'ailleurs le point sur leur relation et on constate qu'il y a un véritable amour entre eux, avec le sentiment pour Supes d'avoir trouvé en elle une femme puissante pour laquelle il n'aura pas à s'inquiéter.
Donc, en l'état actuel des choses, dire que Lois est LA femme de Superman, c'est faux, ça a été le cas mais ça ne l'est plus, en tout cas pour le moment. :)

DarkKane a écrit:Le jeu INJUSTICE en est la preuve indiscutable où, même après le décès de Lois, Clark reste attachée à elle.

C'est justement une preuve plus que discutable, c'est un jeu vidéo avec sa propre interprétation, son propre univers.
Alors évidemment l'univers ciné n'est pas calqué sur l'univers des comics, mais le matériau d'origine, les comics, reste la référence.
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Inscription: 06 Nov 2011

Batman v Superman: DOJ - Le coin du casting...

Messagede DarkKane » Lun 15 Déc 2014 12:32

Les deux points de vues sont donc possibles.
Après, au yeux du grand public qui connait peu les comics, Lois Lane est LA femme de Superman : Dans les films ou dans les séries (LOIS & CLARK ou encore SMALLVILLE), les deux journalistes sont attirés globalement l'un envers l'autre. Même dans SUPERMAN RETURNS où la belle est en couple, on a toujours cette attirance dans l'air.
Alors, oui, Wonder Woman peut être l'âme sœur de Sup' mais il faudra expliquer les raisons du changement, surtout après la présence de Lois dans MAN OF STEEL au détriment de sa "rivale".
Mon petit super héros grandit de plus en plus... Un jour il sera le plus grand de tous.
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Héraut cosmique
Messages: 1962
Inscription: 22 Nov 2011
Localisation: Clermont Ferrand

Messagede NiradZedjati » Lun 15 Déc 2014 16:20

Il parait clair que dans cet univers ciné, la relation Lois et Clark est celle qui est privilégiée par Snyder & co, le fait d'avoir évacué dés le départ cette question de double identité par rapport à elle aidera à consolider leur amour & complicité au fil du temps, et si je devais spéculer sur B v S (pourtant j'aime pas trop ça) je verrais bien Lois qui défend bec et ongle (et peut être assez seule contre tous) la réputation de Superman dans une Métropolis au climat délétère et hostile pour l'Homme d'Acier (Lex Luthor pourrait/devrait ne pas être étranger à tout ça)...
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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 29426
Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede NiradZedjati » Lun 15 Déc 2014 16:38

NiradZedjati a écrit:Amy Adams parle un peu du film :

“It’s exciting to get to bring in all these other characters and I was really excited that Gal (Gadot) was involved, because it was a nice to have another girl on set, even if we don’t work together a lot, it was nice to have her there,” she told us.

When we suggested that Wonder Woman may offer some competition for Superman’s affections (as she has recently in the comics), Adams dismissed that notion: “They always think that if you put in another woman and automatically… ‘Catfight!’ No, I think that’s a male fantasy thing. I don’t think that’s reality.”

Then she added, “I don’t know how it will turn out, if we’re going to be competition, but we are not in this, I can safely say, and we’re not in real life. She’s just the coolest girl ever.”

Elle rajoute :

“Lois is still sort of like the key to the information, you know?" said Adams. “She’s the girl going out and getting it and figuring it out and putting it together and all of that, so she’s very much involved, but I kind of leave the heavy lifting to the boys, you know? So to speak.” She continued, “They’re awesome together. It’s kind of like this big fest of muscles … it was really kind of nice. And then you add Jason Momoa and Gal Gadot and I felt very short and, yeah.”
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Kevin Gunn
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Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede NiradZedjati » Mar 23 Déc 2014 00:02

NiradZedjati a écrit:Elle rajoute :

“Lois is still sort of like the key to the information, you know?" said Adams. “She’s the girl going out and getting it and figuring it out and putting it together and all of that, so she’s very much involved, but I kind of leave the heavy lifting to the boys, you know? So to speak.” She continued, “They’re awesome together. It’s kind of like this big fest of muscles … it was really kind of nice. And then you add Jason Momoa and Gal Gadot and I felt very short and, yeah.”

encore et toujours (promo' de Big Eyes oblige) :


Then you're on something like "Batman v Superman." You're in that one right?

Yes. I just got done with that. We had been filming for six months.

And that doesn't come out until 2016.

Yes, it was a totally different experience.

How many of these things are you locked into?

Locked?!? I'm trapped! [jokes] No. I'm committed through the next one. I know that.

How is it to bring all of these new people into that world?

It was fantastic. I didn't get to work with Gal that much but just having another girl on set, when I did get to work with her, was so much fun. That kind of energy was great. I worked away with the people that I worked with before, which was wonderful.

How was Ben as Batman?

He's hot! Sorry, Jen. I have the utmost respect for your relationship, but he looks fantastic. And the work that I did with him, I think it's going to be great.
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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 29426
Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede NiradZedjati » Mer 14 Jan 2015 17:27

Sympa ce Cavill, il avait fait fabriqué ces pièces spéciales et les avait donné à chaque membre de l'équipe de tournage en guise de remerciements...

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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 29426
Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede Adanedhel » Jeu 15 Jan 2015 13:44

C'est génial ! :o

J'en veux une :D
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Zack Whedon
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Sam 28 Fév 2015 00:09

Momoa sur B v S :

On Whether He's Shot Any Action Scenes For Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice:

No, we haven’t done too much on the action yet. You know, Justice League is still quite a ways away. But I’m looking forward to it. Henry’s a sweetheart, Ben is a badass, so I’m really looking forward to when we all shoot Justice League.

On How Big His Batman v Superman Role Actually Is:

Well, it’s Batman and Superman, it’s not my movie. It’s the first time in history to have them both on the screen together, and I’m just excited to see those two up there.
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Kevin Gunn
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Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede NiradZedjati » Sam 21 Mar 2015 03:08

Jermey Irons répond à une question d'un journaliste italien sur B v S

The next Batman has an amazing screenplay, it's a blockbuster written from the heart.
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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 29426
Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede NiradZedjati » Dim 22 Mar 2015 03:31

Gal Gadot lors d'une interview récente en Israel...

Gal: "Playing Wonder Women is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I can't describe to you how much I wanted to play this character without even knowing I wanted to play her. I met a lot of people from the industry in LA for meetings. They always asked me 'what's your dream role?', and I never could define it. I always answered that I wanted to play a women that is strong and will be a source for women empowerment. I don't want to play a damsel in distress that needs to be saved. I don't like it when women in the movies are shown as the victims. I always thought that if I could send out a message I want to show the strong side of a woman and how she can handle tough situations."

Interviewer: "Someone heard your prayers."

Gal: "Yes, I get to play the strongest most empowering woman ever – Wonder Woman. I'm so grateful and I thank God every day. I want to devour it and enjoy every bite. "

Interviewer: "By the way, what are Wonder Woman's powers?"

Gal: "She has unbelievable endurance. She is exceptionally strong. She can jump really high and practically fly. She know tons of martial arts styles. She is a strong and serious Woman."
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Kevin Gunn
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Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede NiradZedjati » Ven 3 Avr 2015 17:04

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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede DarkKane » Ven 3 Avr 2015 23:49

Concernant Gal Gadot, je viens de revoir les FAST & FURIOUS 4 à 6 avant d'aller au ciné voir le 7e.
Franchement, la miss est canon (la scène du bikini dans le 5 :crazy: ) et elle a un côté bad ass qui n'est pas désagréable. Sans aucun doute aussi, elle en impose facilement dans une saga fortement masculine. J'attend donc avec impatience les premières vidéos...
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Héraut cosmique
Messages: 1962
Inscription: 22 Nov 2011
Localisation: Clermont Ferrand

Messagede NiradZedjati » Mer 22 Avr 2015 04:43

Cavill parle un peu du trailer, du film...etc

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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 29426
Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede NiradZedjati » Ven 24 Avr 2015 16:53

Cavill à props du combat contre Batou'...

Asked by why Superman wouldn't end the fight with Batman in two seconds, Cavill replied, "Well, if Superman were Superman, which he is, he wouldn't."

à 2:35.

Superman en gardera donc sous la pédale...
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Kevin Gunn
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Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede NiradZedjati » Dim 26 Avr 2015 04:00

Vu que le gars fait probablement partie du casting du film (on entend sa voix dans le teaser)...

à 3:30.

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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 29426
Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede NiradZedjati » Sam 2 Mai 2015 16:22

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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 29426
Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede NiradZedjati » Jeu 18 Juin 2015 22:15

Eisenberg confirme sa présence au Comic Con

“I’ll be there…I think I’m there for the hour I’m on the stage.”

Et parle du script de Terrio

“I like what this writer does, this guy Chris Terrio. He wrote this movie we did and I just think he’s so great. He’s such a good writer. I like what he does with characters, I like what he does with wordplay and cleverness. I like anything he writes.”

edit :

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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 29426
Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede NiradZedjati » Dim 28 Juin 2015 23:39

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Kevin Gunn
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Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede NiradZedjati » Ven 3 Juil 2015 21:08

Affleck à props de "son Bruce Wayne" dans B v S.

Ben Affleck being cast as Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice's titular Dark Knight came as a huge surprise, and it turns out that even the actor was shocked to get the call. "My first reaction was, ‘Are you sure?’" he tells Entertainment Weekly. "At the time I was 40, 41, and had just finished Argo, and I felt like ‘This seems like a strange way to get to Batman.’ But Zack convinced me." Reiterating that the movie will play on the fact that this Caped Crusader is a little older, Affleck added that Bruce Wayne will still very much be keeping up the playboy facade from the comics (and Nolan's Batman movies). "He really keeps up the image of the playboy, actively. So you have more of a dichotomy which I thought was really fun, and a little sad, like the aging playboy."

Edit : Snyder et Gadot à propos de WoWo'
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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 29426
Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede Supernad » Mar 14 Juil 2015 22:56

Je pense que c'est plutôt qu'il était sarcastique mais c'est vrai que c'est de mauvais gout et je comprend que ce qu'il doit soit mal pris .
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Stan Lee
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Inscription: 04 Nov 2011

Messagede NiradZedjati » Jeu 13 Aoû 2015 20:50

Cavill parle de Superman...

He has his own production company now, which he co-founded with one of his four brothers, but if he’s ambitious he doesn’t let it show. He would be content, he says, to play Napoleon Solo “year after year”. The same goes for Superman. “It’s a wonderful role. There’s a huge potential there for complex storytelling, and I’m looking forward to exploring those avenues. Come on, it’s Superman! You can’t be pissed off at the idea of playing Superman for the rest of your life.” He mimics a grumpypants actor: “‘Oh sorry, I’m just the grandaddy of all superheroes. It’s such a pain.’”

Cavill’s Superman is the most troubled of any that has yet been seen – a hero forced to hide his light under a bushel, an immortal plagued by survivor’s guilt. “He’s a complex dude,” he agrees. “People think Kryptonite can beat him. No. The only thing that can really beat Superman is Superman. His own noggin messing with him. His own moral choices. When you have that to start with, the storytelling can really delve into something rich.” He stops for a moment, then heads off in a surprising direction. “It’s like shagging someone for the first time. Sometimes it turns out to be amazing. Mostly you’re trying to get each other’s rhythm going. It’s on the next go that you start to expand.” Playing Superman repeatedly will make possible such an expansion. “That’s why I do it. That and the money.”
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Kevin Gunn
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Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede NiradZedjati » Jeu 20 Aoû 2015 00:14

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Kevin Gunn
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Inscription: 07 Nov 2011


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