Justice League - Ils en parlent...

Tout sur la Justice League et son univers ! Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Aquaman et Cyborg refont le match (2021) !

Messagede NiradZedjati » Ven 4 Aoû 2017 02:55

Kiersey Clemons (Iris) sur les reshoots...

CS: Have you been involved at all in the reshoots happening on “Justice League”?

Clemons: Everyone’s asking me that. No, I finished all my stuff with Zack [Snyder], I wish him well and I have no idea what’s going on right now but I’m sure whatever they’re doing is necessary. I know the parts that I did introducing Iris are f*cking sick. I can’t wait to see the movie. I’m so happy that I’ve been introduced to this genre because I didn’t really have any type of desire to be a part of any superhero world. And then I stepped on the set of “Justice League” and I was like, “Holy sh*t. Alright!”
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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Ven 11 Aoû 2017 02:10

Joe Morton (papa de Cyborg) parle un peu des reshoots...

IGN: Did you work on the Joss Whedon portion of filming that’s been going on or were you strictly on the Zack Snyder portion of the shoot?

Joe Morton: No, I did some reshoots with Joss.

IGN: Can you say what’s different? Is there’s any difference in tone?

Morton: Well, the stuff that I had to do were just really small little bits and pieces, nothing necessarily having to do with tone. I know that with Ray [Fisher], the young man who plays [Cyborg], there were some adjustments that they made in terms of the tone of that character. I think what I heard was that there was a need from the studio to lighten up the film in a way, that the film felt too dark. I don’t know what that meant in terms of how it actually got translated in terms of the reshoots but that’s what I heard. That’s what I thought some of the reshoots were about.
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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Ven 11 Aoû 2017 20:29

Affleck sur "les" réalisateurs du film...

“It’s a little bit unorthodox, Zack had a family tragedy, and stepped off, which was horrible. For the movie, the best person we could’ve possibly found was Joss. We got really lucky that he stepped in.” Affleck went on to describe Justice League as “an interesting product of two directors, both with kind of unique visions, both with really strong takes. I’ve never had that experience before making a movie. I have to say, I really love working with Zack, and I really love the stuff we’ve done with Joss.”

“This is a really nice time to work in DC. They’re hitting their stride. They’re getting it right. It’s starting to feel like it’s really working,”
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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede ROY » Ven 11 Aoû 2017 20:47

Ça fait plaisir de l'entendre parler du DCEU sur lequel il ne disait plus grand chose depuis la taule critique de Batman V Superman. Je me fais peut-être avoir mais de l'entendre avoir confiance me met en confiance également. Pour ce qui est des deux réals, je pense que ça peut fonctionner sur la durée.
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Zack Whedon
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Messagede Adanedhel » Ven 11 Aoû 2017 22:57

Pareil, ça fait plaisir de l'entendre (ou plutôt de le lire ^^) s'exprimer ainsi ! :D
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Messagede EagleWolf » Dim 13 Aoû 2017 19:27

Bill Ramey du site batman-on-film confirme l'importance des changements des reshoots.. avec confiance :

I can confirm that everything Mr. Morton said is spot-on. The Cyborg character was altered quite a bit during the reshoots. Also, as I’ve been saying since June 2nd of this year, the JL reshoots and the resulting changes being made to the film are significant.

These reshoots – which are still taking place – are not standard pick-ups/additional photography. Why? Apparently, an early cut of the film was deemed ‘unwatchable’. Thus, substantial changes to the film were ordered.

With all that said folks, I’ll say again what I’ve been saying for quite a while now: I 100% believe that Warner Bros., Joss Whedon, and all involved are doing everything they can to make JUSTICE LEAGUE a good film.

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Messagede Adanedhel » Dim 13 Aoû 2017 19:32

C'est ce genre de déclaration que je n'aime pas... Celles qui te disent : "avant le film était une m*rde irregardable, mais grâce aux reshots ça ira mieux"... :evil:
Ce genre de déclaration me fait craindre que le travail de Snyder soit dénaturé par le studio...
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Messagede ROY » Dim 13 Aoû 2017 19:54

Mais tellement... Le pauvre Snyder qui lit des trucs comme ça franchement.
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Zack Whedon
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Dim 13 Aoû 2017 20:16

Bof on le savait déjà que le film qu'on va voir est substantiellement différent de la 1ére version qu'avait prévu Snyder (soft-reboot du DCEU oblige !), donc perso ça ne change rien à mon état d'esprit vis à vis du film...
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Messagede ROY » Dim 13 Aoû 2017 20:21

Ah moi non plus mais ce sont les termes employés qui me gonflent, il n'y a limite aucun respect...
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Zack Whedon
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Dim 13 Aoû 2017 20:38

Ca c'est le vocabulaire de la source ou des sources encore une fois, ça n'a pas un réel poids à vrai dire car on ne sait pas qui est la source en question et l'importance de son poste au sein de WB (si Jon Berg disait ça alors oui y'aurait un hic, mais si c'est un assistant prod' ou un stagiaire...)
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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede EagleWolf » Lun 14 Aoû 2017 09:52

Adanedhel a écrit:C'est ce genre de déclaration que je n'aime pas... Celles qui te disent : "avant le film était une m*rde irregardable, mais grâce aux reshots ça ira mieux"... :evil:
Ce genre de déclaration me fait craindre que le travail de Snyder soit dénaturé par le studio...
ROY a écrit:Mais tellement... Le pauvre Snyder qui lit des trucs comme ça franchement.
ROY a écrit:Ah moi non plus mais ce sont les termes employés qui me gonflent, il n'y a limite aucun respect...

Ah c'est marrant :perp:, perso je ne le lis pas du tout comme cela. Pour moi, il explique juste que le film n'était pas terminé (logique > pas encore de post prod ni de reshoot) et donc pas regardable en l'état. Ensuite arrive Whedon qui s'occupe de le terminer, avec un constat de pas mal de changements, et il a confiance en lui malgré tout pour faire un film réussi.. c'est tout.. rien de méprisant envers le travail de Snyder.

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Messagede Batmanium » Lun 14 Aoû 2017 14:18

EagleWolf a écrit:Ah c'est marrant :perp:, perso je ne le lis pas du tout comme cela. Pour moi, il explique juste que le film n'était pas terminé (logique > pas encore de post prod ni de reshoot) et donc pas regardable en l'état. Ensuite arrive Whedon qui s'occupe de le terminer, avec un constat de pas mal de changements, et il a confiance en lui malgré tout pour faire un film réussi.. c'est tout.. rien de méprisant envers le travail de Snyder.

Oui c'est comme ça que je l'ai compris aussi.
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Messagede ROY » Lun 14 Aoû 2017 16:56

Why? Apparently, an early cut of the film was deemed ‘unwatchable’.

Le mec dit clairement que "Apparemment, une première version du film avait la réputation d'être inregardable, [c'est pour ça que les reshoots sont importants]".
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Lun 14 Aoû 2017 23:25

Joe Morton à propos du ressentiment de Cyborg envers son père dans le film...

"Yeah, some of that still exists in the film where Victor sort of feels like, ’yes you saved my life, but look what you made me look like. I can’t go out and be a regular person.’ He has no alias, nothing to hide behind. So what I think is great about that idea is you begin, in a metaphoric way, sort of talking about what it means to be “the other” in society. Even if you have something tremendous to contribute to society, the first thing that most social situations will do is ostracize you because you look different because they don’t know who or what you are. So I think that’s a big deal in this film for that character, and for Silas, and makes for interesting film making."
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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede EagleWolf » Mer 16 Aoû 2017 15:27

Affleck, sur la nouvelle représentation de Batou.. différente, plus proche des comics :

This is more in keeping with the canon of how Batman’s usually been portrayed, and how he’s portrayed vis a vis the Justice League in the comics. This is more the Batman you would find if you opened up your average Batman comic book. Not that it’s average. I think it’s a really cool story. Actually, it’s sort of a story about multilateralism. It’s not a bad theme to have!

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Messagede NiradZedjati » Ven 15 Sep 2017 16:38

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Messagede NiradZedjati » Sam 16 Sep 2017 23:27

Gadot et Affleck dans US Weekly...

Us Weekly: How have your characters changed since we last saw them?

Gal Gadot: She’s grown up — it’s been a century, after all! She’ll bring her specific qualities to a group dynamic, and she understands the enemy better than anyone else.

Ben Affleck: In Batman v Superman, he was at the end of his rope. But in Justice League he’s finding hope again. He has to open up and play well with others. He knows he needs them.

Us: Ben, does Batman struggle to fit in?

BA: He’s sort of the ultimate loner, but he’s really trying to make it work and develop a good relationship with all of them. He might be a mentor to The Flash.

Us: What’s the dynamic between Batman and Wonder Woman?

GG: Since they’ve fought together, they know each other’s strengths. They also understand the hope Superman stood for, that was lost [when he died], so they feel that more than the others.
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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Mar 19 Sep 2017 22:32

Snyder s'exprime sur JL...

The director was asked whether or not he was still seeing the film through to which he said it would be “unfair in a lot of ways” for him to get back involved with the production before going on to say that he’s left the project in the hands of those still working on it:

“I’m at a place where I feel excited about it and I’m happy for my guys and I love these people that are working on it, and they’re my family and I think they’re doing an amazing job. But I’ve kind of just let them do their thing.”
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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Jeu 28 Sep 2017 20:33

Dieu sait que j'adore le theme de Williams, mais il appartient à un different Sup', donc un peu perplexe vis à vis de ces déclarations...j'espére que ça ne dépassera pas le seuil du clin d'oeil/easter egg.

Danny Elfman revealed that a piece of John Williams’ score for Superman: The Movie will be in featured a sequence where the Man of Steel’s allegiance will be uncertain:

“It was great. It was like I never left because I’m using the same thematic material that I used back then. It never actually went away [Laughs.] It just was great fun. There are a few little fan moments. I instated a moment of the Wonder Woman theme that Hans Zimmer did for Batman Vs. Superman, but I also had two minutes where I had the pleasure of saying, “Let’s do John Williams’ Superman.” and that for me was heaven, because now I have a melody to twist, and I’m using it in an actually very dark way, in a dark moment. It’s the kind of thing that some fans will notice. Some won’t. It’s a moment where we’re really not sure whose side he’s on. The people at DC are starting to understand we’ve got these iconic bits from our past and that’s part of us, that’s part of our heritage — we shouldn’t run away from that. Contemporary thinking is, every time they reboot something, you have to start completely from scratch — which, of course, audiences will tell us again and again, is bullshit. Because the single-most surviving and loved theme in the world is Star Wars, which they had the good sense to not dump for the reboots. And every time it comes back, the audience goes crazy.

The acclaimed composer also discussed his new motifs for characters such The Flash and Aquaman, who will be making their live-action cinematic debuts in Justice League:

“I created very simple motifs. There are so many themes, you can’t just do a big theme for everything. So i created a motif for Flash, for Aquaman and Cyborg — but they’re very simple things, and [DC] understood. I said, “These things may never be used again, but I’m giving you all the components, should you wish to have things to build on.” So they either will or they won’t, but that’s how I approach a project like this. You have to take the attitude that this is the beginning of a mythology and it all matters, it all comes to fruition, and with any luck they will. I loved the people I worked with, they were wonderful. The DC guys were great. I kept talking about the DNA of John Williams in this other theme — using the DNA of Batman in these other variations, which were not the Batman theme — but it all derives from that… Musical themes are like genes, you carry the DNA along and it creates these subtle connections which are perceived on an unconscious level. It’s funny because I’m terrible at puzzles, but I love musical puzzles. It’s a different part of my brain.”
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Messagede Adanedhel » Jeu 28 Sep 2017 20:39

Je m'en vais. Je pars chercher la cohérence musicale :cry: :cry:

Les thèmes de Williams sont magnifiques et ont je pense à tout jamais marqué le personnage, mais là on parle de celui de Snyder... Celui de Zimmer bon sang ! Avec ce magnifique thème "Flight" de MoS qui aurait été grandiose pour son retour ! J'ai envie de réentendre le thème de Batman qui était génial et qui a réussi à être marquant malgré les deux précédents thèmes de Zimmer et Elfman qui sont tous deux incroyables, j'ai envie de réentendre le thème de Wonder Woman ! Pas que les influences de Zimmer soient passées à la trape ! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

ps: j'arrête pas de me demander quel thème de folie Junkie XL aurait pu nous sortir pour Flash :cry:
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Zack Whedon
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Messagede ROY » Jeu 28 Sep 2017 21:08

It’s a moment where we’re really not sure whose side he’s on.

:o :o :o :o

I created very simple motifs. There are so many themes, you can’t just do a big theme for everything.

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Zack Whedon
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Jeu 28 Sep 2017 22:01

ROY a écrit:
It’s a moment where we’re really not sure whose side he’s on.

:o :o :o :o

Ah ouais j'avais pas bien lu ce passage, ça confirme donc le Evil Sup' (pendant un certain moment du moins).
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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede ROY » Jeu 28 Sep 2017 22:06

NiradZedjati a écrit:
ROY a écrit:
It’s a moment where we’re really not sure whose side he’s on.

:o :o :o :o

Ah ouais j'avais pas bien lu ce passage, ça confirme donc le Evil Sup' (pendant un certain moment du moins).

Si on ajoute à ça le visuel variant cover posté plus tôt dans la journée... ^^


Je le vois bien débarquer comme ça justement pendant la scène avec le ciel orange du trailer en plein contre jour, et ce serait la première fois qu'on le revoit vraiment et on ne saurait pas, pendant un court instant, si il est bon ou mauvais... :bravo: :bravo:
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Zack Whedon
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Messagede LMO42 » Ven 29 Sep 2017 01:14

and I’m using it in an actually very dark way

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Zack Whedon
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