Swamp Thing - News générales

Tout sur la série Swamp Thing et son univers ! Abby Arcane découvre que l'amour de sa vie, Alec Holland, s'est transformé en monstre...

Messagede Batmanium » Dim 9 Juin 2019 04:12

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Stan Lee
Messages: 7750
Inscription: 10 Déc 2016

Messagede EagleWolf » Dim 9 Juin 2019 10:39

Un 'behind the scene' :


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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 44481
Inscription: 17 Nov 2012
Localisation: Far Beyond Here

Messagede EagleWolf » Jeu 13 Juin 2019 19:08

Ce qui était prévu en cas de succès :
businessinsider a écrit:One source close to the production told Business Insider that the show had a possible three-season arc, and the feeling on set was that it could have gone past that if it was a hit, with characters spinning off into their own shows. The source used the specific example of a potential "Justice League Dark" team-up series.

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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 44481
Inscription: 17 Nov 2012
Localisation: Far Beyond Here

Messagede LMO42 » Ven 14 Juin 2019 10:31

:o :o :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Zack Whedon
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Inscription: 17 Oct 2013

Messagede EagleWolf » Dim 14 Juil 2019 10:46

Tiens, des amis de John Rocha, travaillant dans le business et le studio en question, lui ont assuré que l'annulation était bien dû à des différents et non à cause de l'argent, ils n'auraient juste pas apprécié l'équipe créative. ^^

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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 44481
Inscription: 17 Nov 2012
Localisation: Far Beyond Here

Messagede ROY » Lun 15 Juil 2019 22:50

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Zack Whedon
Messages: 22722
Inscription: 12 Fév 2015
Localisation: Centre, France

Messagede EagleWolf » Dim 24 Nov 2019 10:51

Gary Dauberman sur ce qu'aurait été la saison 2, à savoir plus anthologique :
Season one is very much like a movie in that it has a beginning, middle, and end, and is one story told over the course of ten episodes and what I liked a lot about the comics is that there’s like werewolf in a hospital and things like that, so we would have had episodes like an anthology with standalone stories.

The swamp is very much the kitchen sink of supernatural terror and, as you know, you can go into different subgenres of horror with that and I was really looking forward to exploring that in season two and getting into some of the more twisted horror tales from the later comics. It just would have got weirder.

For people who don’t know the character, season one was telling people what Swamp-Thing was all about but season two was going to be more about getting into the deeper, twisted, weirder, and gross ideas.

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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 44481
Inscription: 17 Nov 2012
Localisation: Far Beyond Here

Messagede Omen » Lun 25 Nov 2019 19:02

mouais ben je regrette pas. du coup.
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Christopher Nolan
Messages: 3052
Inscription: 23 Mai 2015
Localisation: Paraguay

Messagede mulder29 » Lun 25 Nov 2019 22:04

En gros, se serait juste devenu une série plus couteuse.

Je paries quand même qu'ils n'auraient pas pu s'empêcher d'inclure un petit fil rouge comme dans les séries d'antan. :D
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Inscription: 15 Nov 2013

Messagede ROY » Lun 11 Mai 2020 23:18

C'est une news que la CW va diffuser Swamp Thing ?

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Zack Whedon
Messages: 22722
Inscription: 12 Fév 2015
Localisation: Centre, France

Messagede Supernad » Lun 11 Mai 2020 23:20

ce sont les droits de rediffusion et on se souviendra que c'est comme ça que Constantine a atterrit dans Arrow puis dans LOT .
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Stan Lee
Messages: 9120
Inscription: 04 Nov 2011

Messagede EagleWolf » Ven 15 Mai 2020 15:02

Le poster :


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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 44481
Inscription: 17 Nov 2012
Localisation: Far Beyond Here

Messagede NiradZedjati » Jeu 8 Oct 2020 02:48

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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 29649
Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede EagleWolf » Mer 10 Avr 2024 15:31

Mark Verheiden (showrunner) sur les raisons de l'arrêt:
"I think the one thing I'd like to clear up is this idea that somehow the show was wildly over budget. The other one I've heard is that the state of North Carolina had rigged on its tax breaks - neither of those are true at all, and they're an insult to our producers, who did a fantastic job keeping the show on track budget-wise. I just don't like hearing that at all. It never had a chance to really show what it could do because we were canceled the day after the first episode came out so on streaming."

"The short version is I don't really know why things went down the way they did. We never got a particularly expansive answer to that. Sometimes bad things happen, I'm sure there were reasons, it was not a cheap show. Warner Brothers was going through yet another one of its reorganizations, which it seems to do every year and a half now."

"There may have just been a fundamental misunderstanding about the show we were making versus the show they were expecting although there were certainly no secrets about the show we were making. James Wan is not the guy who makes Barbie. He makes horror shows, and Gary Dauberman, he's not crafting Hallmark shows - he's doing Annabel and the Salem's Lot, so they knew what they were buying - I've never been quite sure, and at this point, I don't really care because it's water under the bridge.

Ce qui était prévu pour la suite :
"Quite frankly, we [were] building up to bringing in a new big bad who is sort of the big baddy of the comics. We [were] going to do a story involving Arcane, this very dark presence in the Swamp Thing Universe. Obviously, we didn't get to do that. In terms of Justice League Dark or any of that stuff...we heard the rumors like anybody else, but it had nothing to do with us or me in any way in terms of what we would think of or do."

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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 44481
Inscription: 17 Nov 2012
Localisation: Far Beyond Here


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