Dune (de Denis Villeneuve)

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Messagede NiradZedjati » Mer 24 Juin 2020 02:41

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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede Adanedhel » Mer 24 Juin 2020 07:56

Roh là là j'ai tellement hâte d'entendre ça :crazy: :crazy:
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Messagede ROY » Mer 24 Juin 2020 10:27

Trop pressé ! :D Alors que de base je me fiche du film. :lol:
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Messagede Batou » Mer 24 Juin 2020 13:26

Rohlala :love:
Je suis aussi impatient que vous! Zimmer et SF récemment c'est toujours synonyme de grande BO (Interstellar, Blade Runner 2049, ...)
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Messagede Rick-Ornichon » Dim 12 Juil 2020 22:02

bon j'vois qu'on est un peu à la vourre sur ce topic en matière de news, donc j'vais rattraper ça, histoire de...
déjà voilà les images officielles des ornithoptères:


sinon trailer prévu le 17 juillet, à la re-sortie d'Inception en salle pour ses 10 ans.
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Messagede ROY » Dim 12 Juil 2020 22:42

En fait, c'est surtout pour eviter de dévoiler trop d'images du film que les photos ne sont pas toutes postées. Mais il y a une nouvelle fonctionnalité de fenêtre spoilbox qui permet maintenant de poster les images du film tout en les cachant. ;)
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Zack Whedon
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Messagede Xsmooth » Lun 13 Juil 2020 09:26

Trailer dans 4 jours ?
Pourquoi je sens que c'est trop beau pour être vrai!
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Messagede Mr. Toiles Héroïques » Lun 13 Juil 2020 09:57

La ressortie d'Inception a été décalée au 31 juillet (de même que Tenet il y a quelques jours). Et vu la situation actuelle aux USA............

Donc a priori, pas de trailer de Dune dans l'immédiat. Et honnêtement, je doute qu'il l'a balance comme ça, pour une ressortie qui rassemblera quelques dizaines de milliers de spectateurs. De toute façon, elle n'a pas encore été ratifiée.
Les Toiles Héroïques
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Messagede Rick-Ornichon » Lun 13 Juil 2020 13:35

justement, c'est l'idéal comme promo. ça leur permet d'assurer des entrées et de faire du chiffre avec une re-sortie d'Inception. le Sneak Peek associé étant censé se concentrer sur plusieurs films de Warner, dont Dune. ce sera toujours plus lucratif que de balancer une promo lors d'un SDCC qui se fait online et qui effectivement ne leur rapportera rien.

par contre, si la sortie d'Inception a été décalée, alors je sais pas ce qu'il en est du trailer. mais bon, va bien falloir qu'ils débutent la promo du film. on est à 5 mois de la sortie...
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Messagede PierrotDameron » Mer 15 Juil 2020 12:46

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Messagede PierrotDameron » Mer 29 Juil 2020 20:01

Cette fois c'est la bonne !

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Messagede PierrotDameron » Sam 1 Aoû 2020 18:04

Longue interview de Villeneuve où il revient sur le début du projet, les acteurs, le tournage, comment ça se passe avec la pandémie, etc.

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Messagede Rick-Ornichon » Lun 3 Aoû 2020 00:07

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Messagede PierrotDameron » Lun 3 Aoû 2020 16:21

PierrotDameron a écrit:
Cette fois c'est la bonne !


Update (3/08): Palads Teatret and other Danish cinemas are removing mentions of Dune and WW84 on their listings; according to sources via Filmz.dk, it is said that the trailers may not be ready for the international re-release from August 12 but instead only for the US launch on the 21st. We suspect this is to minimise potential bootleg copies surfacing weeks ahead of the respective online launches. The Tenet-related bonus footage (CinemaCon sizzle, Nolan intro and Inception making-of featurette) is still being advertised as part of the re-release in Denmark and other countries and is not expected to land online.
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Messagede EagleWolf » Lun 3 Aoû 2020 19:01

Denis Villeneuve : “We were about to finish some shooting… the movie was like almost finished. Dune has been made in an unusual way which is that we made the main shooting, and then I edited that part of the movie and I was planning to go back to shoot some elements later because I wanted to readjust the movie – I needed time, and it’s a luxury that I had [before the pandemic]… When the virus hit North America as we were about to go back to do those elements.

The impact was that it crushed my schedule right now. It will be a sprint to finish the movie on time right now. We were allowed to go back to shoot – we’re going back to shoot those elements in a few weeks, [the ones] we were supposed to shoot earlier. It meant that I also had to finish some elements of the movie like VFX and the editing being in Montreal as my crew stayed in Los Angeles.

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Messagede NiradZedjati » Mar 4 Aoû 2020 02:47

PierrotDameron a écrit:...les acteurs...

Retranscription de ce passage...

Villeneuve opened up about the thought process behind casting some of the Dune actors. ICYMI, the cast for Dune is massive, but Villeneuve made sure to highlight some of the biggest names. One of those names Villeneuve touched on was Jason Momoa, who plays Duncan Idaho, a skilled fighter for House Atreides. In one of the most ear-grabbing bits of commentary, Villeneuve explained Momoa “was someone that I chose for his bohemian relationship with adventure and his elegance onscreen. And, at the same time, his fantastic smile where we see that he has this insane charisma on the camera. The way he’s like a ballet dancer when he fights, and he portrays one of the best fighters in the galaxy, so I needed that kind of knighthood, [that] kind of elegance and bravado and sense of humor. ”

Villeneuve also shared his thoughts behind casting Timothée Chalamet as Dune‘s hero, Paul Atreides. The director recalled how “I met Timothée and we both agreed spontaneously that we would work together. It was not difficult to convince Timothée,” and continued, highlighting the specific reasons behind choosing Chalamet to play Paul: “I chose Timothée for several reasons. First of all, he is a phenomenal actor. He is someone that has a lot of depth, someone that is very mature for his age because Paul Atreides is an old soul in a young body, and Timothée has that. […] Also, he has features that remind me of old school Hollywood stars. He’s a real movie star. He has that insane charisma. Insane charisma. You put Timothée in front of a camera and it’s just an explosion.”

After these stunningly good, very plausible, and very fun explanations about why Momoa and Chalamet were cast, Villeneuve went on to shout out additional cast members. The director also mentioned Josh Brolin, cast in part because “I love him as an actor and a poet,” before describing Brolin’s character as a “grouchy poet.” Oscar Isaac, who plays Paul’s father, Duke Leto Atreides, was someone Villeneuve had wanted to work with for a long time and was referred to as “one of the best actors working today.” Rebecca Ferguson, who plays Paul’s mother, Lady Jessica, was also mentioned by Villeneuve. The director shared that Ferguson is a “great artist” and he needed an actress that would be able "to portray the different layers” of this complex Dune character.
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Messagede EagleWolf » Ven 7 Aoû 2020 11:41


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Messagede PierrotDameron » Sam 8 Aoû 2020 08:53

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Messagede EagleWolf » Sam 8 Aoû 2020 11:32

La fin du mois d'août va décidément être bien cool... :)

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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede PierrotDameron » Sam 8 Aoû 2020 12:25

C'est vrai (merci Warner) !

Hop, j'en remet une couche :
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Sam 8 Aoû 2020 15:50

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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede EagleWolf » Lun 10 Aoû 2020 11:03

Ce sera marrant de découvrir comment il aura trouvé la version de Villeneuve.

Le directeur artistique tease le niveau du film :


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Messagede NiradZedjati » Lun 10 Aoû 2020 16:07

"Alejandro Jodorowsky Will See Denis Villeneuve’s #Dune, But Says ‘It’s Impossible’ to Do It Right"

Si tu pars avec ce postulat, pas la peine de le voir alors :lol: :sif: ...
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Messagede PierrotDameron » Dim 16 Aoû 2020 17:13

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Messagede PierrotDameron » Mer 19 Aoû 2020 20:25

The first trailer for the Frank Herbert adaptation has been rated today by the Quebec Ratings Board – in time for the Canadian release of Tenet on August 27.
We expect the trailer to finally arrive online some time in the next 7 days, if not any day now: the first public screenings of begin in Australia, New Zealand and Sweden this Saturday, with the wider international release on August 26. The trailer being rated now, though this is specilation on our part, could also mean it might end up playing with the Inception re-release in the U.S. from this Friday, August 21. However, with a succession of new looks at Tenet and Wonder Woman 1984 (and more from DC FanDome) due to land this Friday and Saturday respectively, we probably wouldn’t expect it this weekend specifically. As always, we’ll have more info on here as it comes in.
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