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MessagePosté: Ven 14 Aoû 2020 23:35
de bernie345
NiradZedjati a écrit:Jenkins à propos de ce qui lui tient à cœur pour ce sequel...

“I was obsessed with the tone. It was the hardest thing. Particularly because the story we were talking about could so easily skew another way with any of the chapters. You start in a fantasy world of women in costume, and then you go to real life, World War I England . . . and then you end up in the supernatural . . . and then you have a love story. So I brought in all of my [department heads] every week. I would sit and hammer home . . . we have to be so careful that we don’t veer from one movie to another movie, first of all, and, second, that anywhere that she walks out in a Wonder Woman suit, it just doesn’t look ridiculous.”

attend désespérément le film! Je ne peux pas croire que c'est dans quelques mois

MessagePosté: Mer 19 Aoû 2020 18:58
de EagleWolf
"Cheetah, and knowing we wanted Cheetah, I think we even talked about wanting Cheetah to show up in the beginning of the last movie cause we were going to even plant her in the first one. So it was kind of forming up for a long time."

MessagePosté: Jeu 8 Oct 2020 15:35
de NiradZedjati

MessagePosté: Jeu 8 Oct 2020 15:46
de EagleWolf
Encore heureux...

MessagePosté: Mer 14 Oct 2020 18:27
de EagleWolf
Vanity Fair a décrit la scène d'ouverture du film (ne lisez pas si vous ne voulez rien savoir) :

In the opening scene of Wonder Woman 1984, the child version of the warrior princess Diana Prince (played by 12-year-old Lilly Aspell, a prize-winning show jumper in real life) engages in a lengthy physical contest, a sort of Amazonian Olympics. It takes place on Themyscira, the magical island and all-woman city-state that is her birthplace. It’s a dazzling sequence from a technical perspective, with many impossible-looking feats executed on a grand scale, but what stays with you is the sheer athleticism on the part of a very determined-looking little girl.

Le point de vue de Gal Gadot : “Whenever I see this part of the movie, I always get teary—like good, excited tears. One of the biggest things that I believe is that you can only dream about becoming someone or something after you’ve seen it visually. And for boys—lucky them—they got to experience, since the beginning of the movies, that they were the protagonist, they were the strong ones, they saved the day.

But we didn’t get this representation. And I think it’s so important—and of course it’s ultra-important for me because I’m a mother of two girls—to show them the potential of what they can be. And it doesn’t necessarily mean that they have to be athletic or physically strong—that too—but that they can be bigger than life.

MessagePosté: Sam 17 Oct 2020 11:55
de EagleWolf
Ça commence...

MessagePosté: Mer 9 Déc 2020 12:55
de EagleWolf

"If you had told me a year ago that we would ever go straight to streaming in any way, shape or form, I would have flipped out. Like I’m not for that plan in general, you know, I’m, I’m, I’m very pro theatrical release and I will be that again, as soon as this is over."d

"However, this is such a crazy year. It’s such a crazy year. It’s like all of us are trying to figure out with our lives, how to do everything the best we can. And so I kept saying there is no good option. Like when we would talk about it, there was no good option. Wait until when. And then every movie in the world tries to come out at the same time."

"And you know, there was no good option. I literally gasped a little bit when the pitch for this idea was said, because I was like, ‘Oh, the idea of it going into people’s homes on Christmas Day.’ I just was like, 'That’s actually pretty incredible to get to share,' whether it’s Christmas for people or not the holiday season and in this moment to just try to reach people however they can see it.

MessagePosté: Mar 15 Déc 2020 19:11
de EagleWolf
Graham Norton a balancé un spoiler concernant la présence de l'avion invisible, nous nous en doutions assez mais comme ça c'est confirmé :

MessagePosté: Dim 27 Déc 2020 03:01
de Batmanium
Patty Jenkins qui s'inspire de Sam Raimi :love:

MessagePosté: Mer 27 Déc 2023 19:14
de EagleWolf

MessagePosté: Mer 27 Déc 2023 21:32
de NiradZedjati
Sympa' ça :D ...