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MessagePosté: Jeu 10 Aoû 2023 12:14
de EagleWolf

MessagePosté: Jeu 9 Nov 2023 19:06
de EagleWolf
Matt Shakman sur les théories de Mephisto :
"Marvel was interested in doing television the way that they did movies. We were telling a richer, more character-focused story than the movies can. Almost like those comic runs that I love that go on longer than any movie could ever possibly contain."

"There were some deep readings of the text that led to certain conclusions that were wrong. Mephisto was never a part of our plan. So that was a head-scratcher. But hey, he's a great character.

MessagePosté: Mar 21 Nov 2023 17:37
de EagleWolf

MessagePosté: Mer 22 Nov 2023 18:33
de EagleWolf

MessagePosté: Mer 29 Nov 2023 18:03
de EagleWolf