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MessagePosté: Mar 17 Oct 2023 19:05
de EagleWolf
Shawn Levy sur la date de sortie :
I wish I knew. I don’t even know if we officially have [a release date]. I know we were gonna be May 3. Certainly, the actors’ strike and the long pause in production have put that release date in true risk. We’ve shot half the movie. I’ve edited half the movie. We’re dying to get back to work and get this movie out next year.

Donc rien est certain.

Et sur les nombreuses rumeurs de la participation de Taylor Swift :
They sure are loud. I’m going across the board. ‘No comment’ because that’s a double whammy. That’s Taylor-related. And it’s MCU-related. I’m no dummy. You’re going to have to wait and see.

Donc là non plus.. mais il ne dément pas.

MessagePosté: Ven 20 Oct 2023 11:29
de EagleWolf

MessagePosté: Lun 23 Oct 2023 17:07
de EagleWolf

MessagePosté: Ven 27 Oct 2023 20:08
de EagleWolf
"What blew my mind is how easy some of those cameos have been. People love Deadpool. People love Ryan [Reynolds]. Thankfully, people also seem to like my work. They know that Ryan and I are in a groove of creative brotherhood that is unique and seems to be working."

"So, yeah, I love that there's been a proliferation of casting rumors around my movie because there's so many that it's impossible to know what's real and what's made-up. So, all I'll say is that starting with Ryan and Hug, some that the world knows about: Matthew McFadyen, Emma Corrin, really just going to work is a delight.

[if fans can expect many emotional moments] "I'm gonna say this: f**kload more than you think".

"I'm so wary, but one thing Ryan and I were very really united in was wanting to make Deadpool 3 very much consistent and continuous with the franchise DNA, but to see where we could evolve in this third movie."

"Once we knew it was a Wolverine/Deadpool movie, my god! What a gift to any storyteller. Because not only do you have two icon actors playing their most iconic roles, but you have two characters whose dynamic is already famously fraught. And anytime you're dealing with characters who start from a place of deep dislike and conflict and difference from each other... the mouth [Deadpool], and the like surly laconic man of few words [Wolverine], what a great formula for storytelling. And ultimately the movie does have much more character, depth, and heart than I think anyone is expecting.

MessagePosté: Mer 1 Nov 2023 12:05
de EagleWolf
Shawn Levy sur le titre :
No, there’s no title yet. I sometimes refer to it as Deadpool vs Wolverine or Deadpool and Wolverine or Deadpool 3 With Wolvie — we’ve got a few titles we’ve been bandying about, but boy, it’s a tough one.

À propos du film Logan :
I have always said that I can’t wait for Deadpool 3 to come out because all I want to do is give interviews alongside Ryan where we talk about our reverence for the movie Logan. Logan is canon. We love Logan. That happened. I want the world to know, as the producer and director, all of us share a deep love and respect for Logan, every aspect of how it’s crafted, and all the events that take place.

MessagePosté: Mer 1 Nov 2023 12:12
de Yehuda
Pourquoi pas Deadpool & Wolverine against ou vs. the Multiverse ?

MessagePosté: Sam 4 Nov 2023 20:06
de EagleWolf
I vividly remember the scene in which Luke is hiding from Vader in the Emperor’s room and Vader gives the speech that ends with ‘If you will not turn to the dark side, then perhaps your sister will'. It was dead quiet [in the theater]. Pin-drop silence. Suddenly, Vader has pushed the wrong button. Luke comes screaming out of the shadows and just goes to town in a light saber battle against Vader. The way that felt: The forty seconds of stillness from the audience, then the spectacle and emotion, is seared not just in my eyeballs but in my heart.”

“For one key scene in the movie, I said to my stunt and action team, ‘Guys, this is the Jedi moment.’ I pulled up that scene of Vader and Luke on my phone and restudied how it was photographed, how it was blocked, the framing, the tempo. The keen Star Wars fan will see the shot in my ‘Deadpool’ movie that was inspired by a moment that I saw in a theater decades ago. That’s a forever memory. And that’s a treasure.

MessagePosté: Jeu 9 Nov 2023 18:57
de EagleWolf

MessagePosté: Ven 10 Nov 2023 12:25
de EagleWolf

MessagePosté: Jeu 16 Nov 2023 17:29
de EagleWolf

MessagePosté: Dim 19 Nov 2023 13:34
de EagleWolf

MessagePosté: Ven 24 Nov 2023 12:12
de EagleWolf

MessagePosté: Mar 5 Déc 2023 18:34
de EagleWolf

MessagePosté: Mer 6 Déc 2023 16:27
de EagleWolf
Ryan Reynolds sur Insta' rapport aux leaks :
"Surprises are part of the magic of theatrical movies. It's important for us to shoot the new DEADPOOL film in real, natural environments, using practical effects as opposed to making the movie indoors and digitally. Telephoto lenses continue to spoil surprises and create a difficult situation for everyone."

"Here's hoping some of the websites and social channels hold back showing images before they're ready. The film is built for audience joy -- and our highest hope is to preserve as much of that magic as possible for the finished film and the big screen. Part of the reason people post spoilers is because they're excited. I realize these aren't real world issues and it's firmly in the 'good problems' bucket."

MessagePosté: Mer 6 Déc 2023 18:58
de Karak
Ouais non mais par contre je comprends pas pourquoi Marvel Studios n'a pas renforcé la sécurité autour du plateau. Il y avait déjà eu des leaks avant la grève au même endroit...
A croire qu'ils ont encore laissé les leaks juste pour faire monter la hype...

MessagePosté: Mer 6 Déc 2023 19:45
de ROY

Ils sont en mode "oh non tout a leaké" pour que personne ne cherche à trouver les 95 autres pourcents du film

MessagePosté: Mer 6 Déc 2023 21:25
de Azarion
Karak a écrit:Ouais non mais par contre je comprends pas pourquoi Marvel Studios n'a pas renforcé la sécurité autour du plateau. Il y avait déjà eu des leaks avant la grève au même endroit...
A croire qu'ils ont encore laissé les leaks juste pour faire monter la hype...

T'es gentil parce que n'importe qui d'un peu connecté dirait - et sans doute à raison - que les photos ont été prises À LA DEMANDE de Marvel Studios et qu'ils font passer ça pour des fuites.

Et pour cause, l'équipe a beau être dans la pampa et pourtant on a des photos très propres (et bien ciblées, comme par hasard, avec tout ce que les fans demandent, entre du combat de Wolverine et Deadpool ou des caméos). Si le studio avait vraiment voulu clôturer le secteur, pas une mouche ne serait passée.

C'est totalement une tentative de reproduire l'effet No Way Home mais de façon pleinement décomplexée, cette fois.

MessagePosté: Jeu 7 Déc 2023 12:18
de EagleWolf
C'est souvent que cela vient aussi du staff en grand nombre, entre tous les techniciens, la sécu, et tout le tralala habituel (assistants et cie) en très bonne position pour de beaux clichés.

MessagePosté: Mer 13 Déc 2023 21:05
de EagleWolf
"I think it’s really cool that they are such well-met characters and that their lives... You can see them in and out of each other’s lives constantly. The comic, it’s the same way. So I think that the franchise and Ryan and the director, they’ve done a really great job of always reinventing that relationship and making it interesting, but maintaining the core thing that keeps them always coming back to each other. So I think there’s a little bit more of that in this film. My work is finished on the film."

MessagePosté: Jeu 14 Déc 2023 20:19
de EagleWolf

MessagePosté: Dim 31 Déc 2023 12:26
de EagleWolf


MessagePosté: Mer 17 Jan 2024 19:16
de EagleWolf

MessagePosté: Mer 24 Jan 2024 19:21
de EagleWolf


MessagePosté: Sam 27 Jan 2024 13:29
de EagleWolf

MessagePosté: Lun 29 Jan 2024 12:00
de EagleWolf