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MessagePosté: Sam 3 Fév 2024 13:29
de NiradZedjati

MessagePosté: Jeu 15 Fév 2024 20:25
de EagleWolf
'Table read' à Atlanta la semaine prochaine...

MessagePosté: Ven 16 Fév 2024 20:43
de NiradZedjati

Et mise au point de Gunn


MessagePosté: Dim 18 Fév 2024 19:13
de EagleWolf

MessagePosté: Dim 25 Fév 2024 13:32
de NiradZedjati

MessagePosté: Dim 25 Fév 2024 18:41
de EagleWolf
Tellement hâte de la voir dans ce rôle. :)

MessagePosté: Lun 26 Fév 2024 12:25
de EagleWolf
"I'm still preparing, I'm talking to some journalists, reading a lot of comics. There's so many comics that I had not read before. It's been really fun to dig into this universe. We were just out in Atlanta, we did our first table read. I got to see the suit and I was blown away. So I hope that the fans are, as well."

"I tried on a lot of costumes. I think James [Gunn] is sorting through them right now and we're figuring out the look."

MessagePosté: Mer 28 Fév 2024 20:07
de EagleWolf

MessagePosté: Mer 6 Mar 2024 20:48
de EagleWolf
I grew up. I think the first ever Lex I saw was you. Yeah, I grew up when Smallville was on, I can’t remember if it was Channel 4 or Channel 5 in the UK, but like growing up. I was like 11, 12, I guess.”

“So that was like the show that I would watch and see my first iterations of Superman and Lex and all those stories. Since I’ve seen Richard Donner’s movies and all the other ones and kind of seen some of the other performances, but you’re like the one. I love [your portrayal], it’s the best.”

“You inhabit him with such depth and charm. And then, yeah, that ability to switch, which makes him dangerous and formidable and a great opponent. I just loved what you did.

Post by @tastyuk
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MessagePosté: Mer 3 Avr 2024 19:50
de NiradZedjati

MessagePosté: Dim 7 Avr 2024 18:32
de EagleWolf

MessagePosté: Lun 8 Avr 2024 02:26
de NiradZedjati

MessagePosté: Lun 8 Avr 2024 17:23
de EagleWolf

MessagePosté: Lun 8 Avr 2024 21:33
de NiradZedjati
EagleWolf a écrit:

Attention ce Tweet est trompeur car il ne parle pas de Gunn mais du réalisateur du film dont il vient faire la promo' ici :jap:

MessagePosté: Lun 22 Avr 2024 21:37
de NiradZedjati

MessagePosté: Mar 23 Avr 2024 11:32
de EagleWolf
"I was a DC kid growing up. We had the action figures, and most of them were so old and used that the paint had come off... But I really adored Hawkgirl. I had Hawkgirl and Hawkman as part of my collection. Well, technically it wasn’t mine. It was my siblings and I’s collection. We had Hot Wheels too. We just had a really fun, enjoyable childhood with those. So, this is a full circle moment."

"I would be honored for people to see me on the street and just be like, 'Hawkgirl!' They don’t need to know my name. I’d be honored because, you know what? It also sounds like, 'Hot girl!,' and I’m okay with people calling me a hot girl. I’m good. Continue. Same as I was honored by Dora. Because these characters mean so much to other people, I’m just happy that I could potentially hold a special place in their heart. I don’t care what it’s for or what I’ve done. As long as it means something to them, I’m very excited about that.

MessagePosté: Mer 24 Avr 2024 17:41
de EagleWolf
The reality is that people have flaws. We all have quirks. We all have vulnerabilities. You could have the most wonderful family, but be like, ‘Oh, my God, my dad drives me nuts. He’s got this one thing.’

Everybody’s got something, and I love to lean into those faults and flaws. It’s what makes people real and what allows audiences to relate, because we all know what that is. We all have our own. We witness it in other people.

Guy Gardner is 90% flawed and doesn’t care. That’s one of his flaws. I think there’s a real freedom in playing that. So, for a guy who likes to play flaws and flawed people, Guy Gardner is a gold mine.

MessagePosté: Mar 7 Mai 2024 12:29
de EagleWolf

MessagePosté: Mar 7 Mai 2024 12:38
de Adanedhel
Donc la ville et la grosse boule rose seraient issus d'un fond type Volume ?

MessagePosté: Mer 8 Mai 2024 19:30
de EagleWolf

MessagePosté: Jeu 16 Mai 2024 18:25
de EagleWolf
Scott Snyder (scénariste de comics) raconte un peu son expérience sur sa visite du tournage :
"Obviously, there's a lot I can't say. Most of what I learned and saw and experienced I can't talk about. But I wanted to at least tell you what I could because it was awesome."

"It's this whole sort of soundstage set up almost in the middle of rural Georgia. It just pops up out of nowhere, these 30 big soundstages, and it's awesome. There's this whole little town built up around it and we got to go on the set. I've never been on a movie set in earnest before. And as soon as we got there, David came out dressed as Superman in the full suit to say hello and fist bumped us. And it was honestly one of those thrilling moments that you get chills where I had no idea we were actually going to get to meet them and meet them in costume. And then Nick came out in Lex dress and was like, 'What are you guys, none of you wearing LexCorp shirts?' because we were all wearing Superman shirts given to us by DC. And it was very, very funny. And they were both incredibly kind and said very nice things about the comics and about DC and all of it."

"We got to see a scene being filmed that involves Superman and Lex that was awesome and it had stunts. And then we got to see some of the conceptual material and it was just fantastic. And the thing I can say without giving anything away or without any spoilers is everybody involved in this is a true fan of Superman, of the legacy of the character, and of the comics in a really big way.

MessagePosté: Dim 19 Mai 2024 02:16
de NiradZedjati

MessagePosté: Dim 19 Mai 2024 02:33
de Adanedhel
EagleWolf a écrit:Scott Snyder (scénariste de comics) raconte un peu son expérience sur sa visite du tournage :
"Obviously, there's a lot I can't say. Most of what I learned and saw and experienced I can't talk about. But I wanted to at least tell you what I could because it was awesome."

"It's this whole sort of soundstage set up almost in the middle of rural Georgia. It just pops up out of nowhere, these 30 big soundstages, and it's awesome. There's this whole little town built up around it and we got to go on the set. I've never been on a movie set in earnest before. And as soon as we got there, David came out dressed as Superman in the full suit to say hello and fist bumped us. And it was honestly one of those thrilling moments that you get chills where I had no idea we were actually going to get to meet them and meet them in costume. And then Nick came out in Lex dress and was like, 'What are you guys, none of you wearing LexCorp shirts?' because we were all wearing Superman shirts given to us by DC. And it was very, very funny. And they were both incredibly kind and said very nice things about the comics and about DC and all of it."

"We got to see a scene being filmed that involves Superman and Lex that was awesome and it had stunts. And then we got to see some of the conceptual material and it was just fantastic. And the thing I can say without giving anything away or without any spoilers is everybody involved in this is a true fan of Superman, of the legacy of the character, and of the comics in a really big way.

Espérons que c'était une pure visite de courtoisie et qu'il n'a pas été autorisé à approcher d'un stylo, d'un clavier ou de tout objet capable d'écriture, à moins de 30 mètres :paf:

MessagePosté: Ven 24 Mai 2024 02:09
de NiradZedjati