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MessagePosté: Sam 19 Sep 2020 20:32
de ROY
Adanedhel a écrit:Je l'ai vu passer aussi mais les noms des sites qui avaient la soit disant exclu semblaient bidons en effet.

Voilà c'est une source caca :jap:

MessagePosté: Dim 20 Sep 2020 15:13
de EagleWolf
BossLogic a bon espoir :


MessagePosté: Mer 21 Oct 2020 23:52
de Supernad
La rumeur du jour, Si Warner a fait un deal avec Bad Robot c'est parce qu'ils veulent absolument Abrams a la réalisation d'un nouveau film Superman. Abrams aurait rencontré Cavill mais tout le monde attend la sortie du Snyder Cut pour prendre une décision.

MessagePosté: Mer 21 Oct 2020 23:54
de ROY
:love: :love: :love: :happy: :happy: :happy:

MessagePosté: Jeu 22 Oct 2020 02:59
de NiradZedjati
Abrams serait un "safe choice" pour moi, je ne suis pas contre mais je préférerai un choix plus audacieux (type Jeff Nichols).

MessagePosté: Jeu 22 Oct 2020 08:56
de LMO42
Je trouve ça aussi comme un safe choice car son style correspond, mais franchement au fil du temps je trouve tous les films d'Abrams vraiment mauvais... :-(

MessagePosté: Jeu 22 Oct 2020 10:51
de Batou
Autant je trouvais la mise en scène d'Abrahams dynamique et rythmée dans les Star Trek et SW TFA, autant dans ROS son dernier film (en date) sans éclat particulier ... De jolies plans rapides pour la BA mais pas assez de souffle pour que un plan reste en mémoire et des scènes d'actions assez plates: trop de plan serrés et "cutés".

Crainte personnel: j'ai peur qu'il nous refasse un remake du 1er superman de 1978 à la virgule près ...

Le travail de Garret Edwards sur le "gigantisme" serait assez intéressant et un peu plus dans la continuité de Znyder concernant la destruction de Métropolis et sensation de puissance de Supe' que l'on a eu dans MOS.

MessagePosté: Ven 8 Jan 2021 03:25
de NiradZedjati
Y'a ce Hashtag qui trend, et ZS y participe...

MessagePosté: Ven 8 Jan 2021 14:58
de JAK
Je valide le costume :D

MessagePosté: Ven 8 Jan 2021 16:29
de Batou
Ouah il fait tellement tout jeunot! Et tout 'fin' physiquement comparé à son interprétation dans Mos, BvS et JL!

MessagePosté: Lun 22 Mar 2021 16:18
de EagleWolf
Snyder voyait JL3 comme un MoS2 :
"I had just assumed that the final movie was going to be very much a Superman movie. The final chapter was going to be a large percentage of Superman to just bookend the whole thing. Because if Batman died, it would have very much fallen on Superman to be the de facto leader. By the way, at that point, Wonder Woman would have been made queen of the Themyscira, and she would be leading the warriors of Themyscira into battle against Darkseid herself. And Arthur would be leading the armies of Atlantians. And Superman basically is going to be the head of the Justice League and the Armies of Men. And so Superman would have gone from this kind of berserker Superman to a benevolent Superman."

"Superman has the hugest arc of everybody because he goes from like the main villain to like the main hero. And that struck me as just really cool and fun and like a really interesting trajectory for him. Because I think traditionally, Superman is one of those characters that people don't see as changing a lot. You know what I mean? He's kind of a rock that everyone props against and I just thought, how cool would it be to make our Superman the character that goes on the most incredible journey.

MessagePosté: Mar 11 Mai 2021 10:56
de EagleWolf
We talked about a Brainiac movie. But I do think that the Kryptonians that are in the Phantom Zone are probably still around. And there was always a possibility for their return. Faora and whoever’s left. That was a thing that was always out there that we talked about as a possible sequel. I just think it’s best to give Superman these extaterrestrial challenges because I think you’ve got to be careful with — other than Lex Luthor, because, of course, you have to continue with Lex, because Lex is his real nemesis — but I think you really have to look outside of the Earth for challenges for him because of how powerful he is.

I don’t know that I would’ve taken him in a different direction than the direction I was taking him. I think Henry is a great Superman. I have a great time working with Henry, and I think that also, we endeavored to make him in Man of Steel, sort of a modern Superman in that, in his relationship to society and/or the modern world, we did that now, and like, what would happen if… And it’s kind of what the movie is about, frankly. Man of Steel‘s about, what if we really had a Superman? What would it mean? You know?

MessagePosté: Mar 11 Mai 2021 15:00
de NiradZedjati
Peut être que dans un monde parallèle ce film a été (va étre) fait...

MessagePosté: Ven 15 Oct 2021 15:27
de NiradZedjati
Et si on nous annonçait un retour de Cavill demain ! :love: :lol: :paf: #ModeNeTeFaisPasTropDespoirActivé

MessagePosté: Ven 15 Oct 2021 16:49
de EagleWolf
Ce serait tellement énorme (ce qui est paradoxal vu qu'il est bel bien Superman dans cet univers à la base et logiquement ^^), mais pas si improbable d'autant avec ce like de Barbara Muschietti... :sif:

MessagePosté: Mer 10 Nov 2021 20:11
de EagleWolf
Il exprime une nouvelle fois son intérêt pour une suite dans cet article :

"It’s exciting - Superman’s far more than skin color. Superman is an ideal. Superman’s an extraordinary thing that lives within our hearts."

"Why not have multiple Supermen going on? Joaquin Phoenix did a wonderful Joker movie; so what if it’s not tied to the rest of [the franchise]? They have multiple Superman comic book storylines happening at the same time. There's still a lot of storytelling for me to do as a Superman."

"I would absolutely love the opportunity [to return]. The killing of Zod gave a reason for the character never to kill again. Superman falling to the ground and screaming afterward - I don’t think that was originally in the script, but I wanted to show the pain he had. I did far more emotional takes they didn’t choose; tears were happening. He just killed the last remaining member of his species. That’s the choice he made in that moment, and he’ll never do that again."

"There’s an opportunity for growth after that, to explore the psyche of Superman as a deep, seemingly invulnerable god-like being but with real feeling on the inside. As I always say, ‘The cape is still in the closet.'

MessagePosté: Mer 10 Nov 2021 20:50
de NiradZedjati
La Warner : Vu... :sif:

MessagePosté: Mer 10 Nov 2021 22:59
de Thor2.0
NiradZedjati a écrit:La Warner : Vu... :sif:


MessagePosté: Mar 23 Nov 2021 02:42
de NiradZedjati

MessagePosté: Mar 23 Nov 2021 11:11
de EagleWolf
C'est ce qui aurait été le plus logique.

MessagePosté: Mar 7 Déc 2021 02:40
de NiradZedjati
Cavill toujours enclin à reprendre le role...

MessagePosté: Mar 7 Déc 2021 21:28
de Thor2.0
Même histoire mais rien ne change...

MessagePosté: Mer 8 Déc 2021 12:14
de Batou
Cavill et la Warner/MOS2 c'est un peu comme avec une ex ... :lol:

MessagePosté: Jeu 16 Déc 2021 02:43
de NiradZedjati

MessagePosté: Mar 21 Déc 2021 20:43
de Thor2.0
Do it !