Aquaman - Ils en parlent...

Tout sur Aquaman ! Entre terre et mer, Arthur Curry doit choisir sa destinée, poussé par un sombre complot familial (2018)...

Aquaman - Ils en parlent...

Messagede NiradZedjati » Mar 24 Mar 2015 00:26

Momoa exprime encore une fois son enthousiasme à l'idée d'incarner le superhéros marin...

I'm in for the long haul. It's an honor. Zack [Snyder] had me at hello, literally when he told me what he wanted to do with the character and what he wanted to do with the world. There's no script written yet for certain things, but I listen to his ideas; I trust him." "I'm known for playing rough characters and they're not really allowed to see those things, so it's going to be exciting for my kids to see poppa play with Batman and Wonder Woman and Superman and so on."
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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Jeu 24 Sep 2015 23:19

Comme pour Wonder Woman, son costume devrait être un (tout petit) peu ajusté en couleurs...

Momoa teased that the costume shown in the previously released promo image may not be the one Momoa wears later on in the DCEU. "Well, there might be some bit of orange and green. A bit of respect to prior work, but I think he is meaner now and upset – look at what has been done to our oceans. That’s his world that has been polluted."
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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede Tom's19 » Ven 25 Sep 2015 08:41

NiradZedjati a écrit:son costule

Son costule ??? :D

En tout cas j'ai hâte de voir le rendu à l'écran :)
Image Image
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Héraut cosmique
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Messagede Batou » Ven 25 Sep 2015 16:46


Pas ça pas ça pas ça :lol:
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Héraut cosmique
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Messagede eowyn » Mer 30 Sep 2015 03:02

Batou a écrit:Image

Pas ça pas ça pas ça :lol:

Tragique. :D
Tellement tragique que cela en est d'une drôlerie absurde. :sun:
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Mar 8 Mar 2016 04:30

Jeff Nichols évoque les discussion qu'il a eu avec WB concernant le film, et le fait qu'il ait décliné l'offre.

The trick with ‘Midnight Special’ is even though it was made at the studio, they gave me a lot of control over the process. And I don’t just mean control over final cut, but it felt like we were making one of my movies. I had my team. I had my family there. My crew. We made the movie we all wanted to make. With the DC universe, so many parts of it had been activated and so many decisions had already been made that it felt more and more — and Warner Bros. agreed — that it was me trying to jump on a moving train. That’s not so much what I’m good at. I’m more of a ground up kinda guy.

It’s all a connected universe. And it should be. And I was an advocate of that. The decisions that Zack (Snyder) is going to make in Batman vs. Superman, those all connect to things that are going to happen in Justice League and all that. And I was a huge comic book nerd, so I know all these characters and they all need to be beautifully webbed together. I was just far enough on the outside that I could develop things in a vacuum all day long but it wasn’t going to line up with everything they had planned.

“We talked about it, but I was at Warner Brothers at a period of time when they were activating this entire DC universe and they had already slated all these films that didn’t have filmmakers. So it would have been odd to have been a director at Warner Brothers then and not get into some conversation about [those projects].”
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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Mar 29 Mar 2016 00:12

James Wan parle de l'esprit du film, qui sera différent de B v S (d’ailleurs pour l'anecdote Terrio a lui aussi dit précédemment que le film Justice League serait moins sombre que B v S), insufflant

Zack Snyder has said this is a filmmaker-run franchise. When he says that, and then sets a tone like he did in “Batman v Superman” and states that the Flash on TV is not how the cinematic universe is going to do it, how does Snyder’s tone influence your tone?

James Wan: I definitely think they’ve separated the two separate worlds, the feature world of DC and the TV world of DC. They don’t run in the same universe. I think in a lot of ways that actually frees up the filmmakers, in both mediums, to just do what they want to do and not have to worry about, “Oh wait this has the tone of what we did there, this has the tone of what happened in this other movie over here.” And they actually just free you up to just tell the film you want to tell.

But how does his film tone influence your film’s tone?

Well, like Zack said, from Day One, Warner has always said to me that we are a filmmaker-driven studio and we want each of the DC characters to have the stamp and the trademark of the filmmakers that they’ve picked to come shepherd it. As I’ve always said, whether it’s at Marvel or at DC, they have that sandbox. That sandbox is in place. So you have to come in there and play within their sandbox. But the key here is to build your own sandcastle. And make that sandcastle yours.

So what does your sandcastle look like?

It’s too early to speak of at this point.

Because Aquaman is a fun character. There are comic book covers of him patching up an octopus.

I would love to capture the fun spirit of high-sea adventures, treasure hunts, sea monsters. That’s the spirit that I’m going for. Swashbuckling.
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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede Adanedhel » Lun 11 Avr 2016 10:45

Until we reach the last edge, the last opening, the last star, and can go no higher - Enfys Nest

Venez voter pour les Oscars Héroïques 2024 !
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Zack Whedon
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Sam 16 Avr 2016 03:33

Wan parle encore du film.

"A big part of it was me telling them what potential I saw in this character," Wan explained about his take on the iconic hero. "As we all know, Aquaman is somewhat the butt of the joke in the superhero world. There’s something cool about that. I love the idea of being the underdog, coming in with a take on this underdog character and completely blow people’s expectations away. Like, ’Oh, you thought he was going to be a wimpy character? No no no.’ It’s going to be so cool."

With Aquaman set to be released in 2018, the character will get first have a chance to shine in Justice League next year. Asked how that will have an impact on his current plans, Wan added: "There’s Justice League that happens before it, so I have to be respectful to that But in a lot of ways… it’s a continuation but there are origin elements as well — and that’s the story that I’m excited to tell."
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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede Supernad » Mar 7 Juin 2016 18:36

Wan explique pourquoi il a choisi Aquaman au lieu de Flash .

"It was, well, oh jeez, this would be a big tidbit: They asked me which of the two characters I’d be interested in and it was between The Flash and Aquaman." Asked why he chose the King of Atlantis over the Scarlet Speedster, Wan added: "This is how I weighed it: For me, we’ve seen various versions of The Flash. There’s a popular show on TV and there was a great one in the ‘90s. I loved that Flash!" Considering how popular the current TV series is, you can understand why he felt like that! However, that's not the only thing which affected his decision.

"The thing that ultimately pushed me more towards Aquaman is I love the possibility of creating a whole new world," Wan teased. "I’ve always wanted to do a world creation story and visually create this amazing, incredible, magical kingdom. And also, I love the fact that Aquaman is an underdog character. I love the fact that people like to make fun of him. [Laughs.] I feel the bar is a lot lower and I can have fun with him! Everyone makes fun of him! And I actually don’t mind that! What it allows me to do: I think people are a lot less precious with him than, let’s say, you were doing a Spider-Man or a Batman or whatever." Pushed for details on why that matters to him, Wan went on to explain why he's excited to deliver a fresh take on the hero. "I felt like it allows me the freedom to just tell the story of the character I wanted to tell. And I think what I proved for myself with Fast and Furious 7, how I took on this massive movie and I was able to overcome the tragedy that befell the production – I think it really proved to everyone I’m capable of doing more than just horror movies."
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Stan Lee
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Ven 9 Sep 2016 00:19

Wan semble nous teaser l'un des décors du film (en Italie)...

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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede Mr. Toiles Héroïques » Ven 9 Sep 2016 00:42

C'est d'ailleurs la même région qui a servi de décors à Wonder Woman (la côte amalfitaine).
Les Toiles Héroïques
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Messagede ROY » Ven 9 Sep 2016 14:33

Mr. Toiles Héroïques a écrit:C'est d'ailleurs la même région qui a servi de décors à Wonder Woman (la côte amalfitaine).

Ça ressemble d'ailleurs beaucoup à l'idée que je me fais de Themyscira.
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Zack Whedon
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Messagede Supernad » Jeu 20 Oct 2016 21:06

Petite déclaration de James Wan sur le film .

“I kind of don’t want to give too much away, but know this: The spirit that I’m going for is like a classic sort of swashbuckling action adventure, sort of high seas adventure story,” Wan told Entertainment Tonight. “It’s a quest story potentially in the spirit of ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ meets ‘Romancing the Stone.'”
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Stan Lee
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Mar 25 Oct 2016 01:58

Wan parle de la relation entre Aquaman et Mera...

James Wan has spoken about the chemistry between the eponymous hero and his love interest, Mera. The two roles, played by Jason Momoa and Amber Heard, are set for a rocky start before finding love according to the director.

“It starts off initially with them not quite clicking with each other. But then as the story progresses as they learn to try and work together, they get closer and closer. I think those stories are always such a great place for a filmmaker like myself to have fun with my actors.”

So it won’t be a straightforward love story between the two, but it’ll certainly make for interesting screen time. It also sounds like they’re taking care not to relegate the actress simply to the role of a love interest for Aquaman. Instead, making Mera hero in her own right.

“I think that dynamic will be really interesting between the two. Amber’s character is super strong, she’s very powerful as well. You don’t wanna mess with her. I think Amber will bring that sense of strength, but at the same time, we also want someone who has a sort of feminine quality to her as well. She’s a bit of a contrast to Momoa, who’s more of a muscular machine almost.”
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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede ROY » Mar 25 Oct 2016 05:11

Ça veut donc dire qu'ils ne seront pas encore ensemble dans Justice League ? Curieux de savoir la raison pour laquelle elle est dans le film alors.
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Zack Whedon
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Mar 25 Oct 2016 16:27

ROY a écrit:Ça veut donc dire qu'ils ne seront pas encore ensemble dans Justice League ? Curieux de savoir la raison pour laquelle elle est dans le film alors.

Non je pense qu'ils seront ensemble, car vu ce qu'il dit il semble que le film solo soit une Origin Story, donc ses événements sont antérieurs à ceux de Justice League normalement (comme c'est le cas pour Wonder Woman dont les événements du film solo sont antérieurs à ceux de B v S, film ou elle été présenté pour la 1ére fois au grand public)...
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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede ROY » Mar 25 Oct 2016 16:31

NiradZedjati a écrit:
ROY a écrit:Ça veut donc dire qu'ils ne seront pas encore ensemble dans Justice League ? Curieux de savoir la raison pour laquelle elle est dans le film alors.

Non je pense qu'ils seront ensemble, car vu ce qu'il dit il semble que le film solo soit une Origin Story, donc ses événements sont antérieurs à ceux de Justice League normalement (comme c'est le cas pour Wonder Woman dont les événements du film solo sont antérieurs à ceux de B v S, film ou elle été présenté pour la 1ére fois au grand public)...

Ah oui tiens je ne m'étais jamais dit que Aquaman pouvait se dérouler avant Justice League.
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Zack Whedon
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Mar 25 Oct 2016 16:42

Je pensais aussi que le film se déroulerait aprés JL, d'ailleurs j'avais même posté un truc il y'a longtemps allant dans ce sens

Mais bon il se peut qu'ils aient changé de cap entre temps...
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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede ROY » Mar 25 Oct 2016 17:21

Après on peu avoir les deux, avant et après... Même si je pense qu'il est sage de traiter soit l'un soit l'autre.

En attendant ton article date du mois de mars, avant la sortie de Dawn of Justice. On peut donc penser que ce changement de plan vient des répercussions du film sur la franchise.
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Zack Whedon
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Sam 17 Déc 2016 03:32

Wilson parle de son casting...

He obviously didn't provide any specifics, but expressed his excitement to star in a movie which will utilise groundbreaking technology to take the action into the depths of Atlantis.

"What's gonna be interesting is there hasn't been the technology to back up the storytelling, I guess, for Aquaman," Wilson said, adding: "until now." As for what it will be like to reunite with director James Wan, the actor went on to explain that's a big part of why he joined the DC Comics movie. "And for me, of course, I'm completely biased with James Wan, who I've done four films with -- knowing that he's at the helm and knowing what he ... can do and what he will do, I'll do anything with him."

"I think the lure of Aquaman [is] because he hasn't been overexposed on screen," the Watchmen star continued. "And I don't know Jason -- I can't wait to meet him. I was a huge fan even from the first episode of Game of Thrones, so I'm in -- I'm in with him, and he's gonna be fantastic." Wilson told the site that he has a costume fitting next week, but he doesn't start shooting until six months from now.
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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede Thor2.0 » Mar 10 Jan 2017 03:14

Bon apparemment le film solo de Aquaman sera "vraiment FUN"...
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Messagede ROY » Mar 10 Jan 2017 03:19

Thor2.0 a écrit:Bon apparemment le film solo de Aquamansera "vraiment FUN"...

Je suis ouvert à tout, c'est un fait. Mais je t'avoue que j'ai vraiment du mal à imaginer à quoi pourrait ressembler un film Aquaman qui soit fun, surtout avec le Aquaman de Momoa. Mais bon, je fais confiance à James Wan, j'espère ne pas être déçu, et si c'est le cas... tant pis ! Je reste quand même super pressé de voir ce film, mais bon, à part peut-être Cyborg, il n'y a quand même aucun film du DCEU que je n'attend pas impatiemment. :crazy:
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Zack Whedon
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Messagede Batman (V2) » Mar 10 Jan 2017 03:19

Thor2.0 a écrit:Bon apparemment le film solo de Aquamansera "vraiment FUN"...

Avec James Wan au commande, qui peu en douter? :D
Batman (V2)

Messagede ROY » Mar 10 Jan 2017 03:26

Spidey a écrit:
Thor2.0 a écrit:Bon apparemment le film solo de Aquamansera "vraiment FUN"...

Avec James Wan au commande, qui peu en douter? :D

C'est ironique ? ^^
Parce que les fims de James Wan (je n'ai pas vu son Fast & Furious) sont quand même pour moi à des années lumière d'être funs.. :lol:

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Zack Whedon
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