Suicide Squad - Ils en parlent...

Tout sur Suicide Squad ! Un groupe de super-vilains sacrifiables est recruté pour sauver le monde (2016)...

Messagede NiradZedjati » Jeu 18 Fév 2016 14:47

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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 29676
Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede ROY » Ven 4 Mar 2016 04:07

Ben Affleck a écrit:“I’ve seen Suicide Squad, and I can tell you that movie really works. That movie is really, really cool and fun and awesome.”

Il fait la pub, vous me direz.
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Zack Whedon
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Mer 16 Mar 2016 23:47

Ayer parle de son Joker...

"What Jared has done is absolutely incredible. When he steps onto the set the world stops. Everything stops. What he's done is so powerful, so menacing, so palpable, you can feel him. The crew stops working and just watches him. I have to get everybody going again because he's so fascinating."
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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede Supernad » Ven 15 Avr 2016 19:49

Interview de Leto .

So what did you do to create this guy? What did you go and do? Who did this guy become to you?

He became a real person. I don’t know if person is the right word. I think the Joker lives in between reality and another plane. Kind of a shaman in a way. It’s a very intoxicating role to take on. You have permission to break rules and to challenge yourself and anyone around you in a really unique way.

I first started at the beginning, educating myself, researching, reading as much as I could, going back to the source material. And then at a certain point, I knew I had to stop doing that. Because the Joker has been redefined, reinvented many times before. I think the fun thing about it is when people have done it in the past, there is some spirit of the Joker essence that they keep, but they either build upon something or tear something down and start again at the beginning. For me, I knew once I had gone through the process of educating myself, I had to throw everything away and start from the beginning and really build this from the ground up. It was a transformative process. There was a physical transformation. There was a physical conditioning.

What, specifically, did you do?

There are a lot of things. It’s probably better to not get into it but to the Joker, violence is a symphony. This is someone who gets an extreme reward from the act of violence and manipulation. Those are the songs he sings and he is very in tune with what makes people tick. I did meet with people that were experts, doctors, psychiatrists that dealt with psychopaths and people who had committed horrendous crimes, and then I spent some time with those people themselves, people who have been institutionalized for great periods of time. I guess when you take on a role, any role, you become part detective, part writer, and for me that’s my favorite time of the entire process, the discovering, the uncovering, and the building of a character. Yeah, it’s really fun.
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Stan Lee
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Lun 9 Mai 2016 18:16

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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede ROY » Mar 2 Aoû 2016 22:25


Le bashing anti-DCEU commence déjà ?
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Zack Whedon
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Messagede Sylar » Mar 2 Aoû 2016 22:34

RomainWW a écrit:Le bashing anti-DCEU commence déjà ?

Mon cousin vient de le voir en avant première au pathe Carrée de soie à Lyon.... Il a vu Man of Steel Dimanche pour la première fois et a bien aimé, la version longue de BvS hier sans avoir vu la version ciné, et il avait aimé aussi malgré quelques petits défauts.

Son verdict après Suicide Squad, c'est que c'est un navet, il avait hâte que ça finisse pour pouvoir rentrer chez lui....

Alors je sais pas si c'est un bashing, ou tout simplement un fait que c'est de la merde.... Je verrais bien Samedi moi...
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Messagede Karak » Mar 2 Aoû 2016 22:43

Il se passe quoi chez Warner avec leur DCEU là ? :perp: :lol:
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Stan Lee
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Mer 3 Aoû 2016 00:23

Les critiques comme toujours pour ma part "ça m'en touche une sans faire bouger l'autre", je vais le voir vendredi, hâte d'y être :sun:
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Kevin Gunn
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Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede Lil_Suig » Mer 3 Aoû 2016 00:24

Je pense pas que ce soit du bashing car pour moi c'est bien mais sans plus ... critique demain midi si j'ai le temps
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Christopher Nolan
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Messagede mulder29 » Mer 3 Aoû 2016 02:07

Moi non plus, je ne pense pas que ce soit du bashing, d'après les feedbacks sur twitter et facebook, il y a un peu de chaud et beaucoup de froid.

Dans le chaud : les multiples connexions et clins d'oeils au DC Universe, donc on ressentirait bien l'univers prendre vie sous nos yeux.

Dans le froid : le côté froutraque/bordélique du film rebute pas mal, bon, y en a qui sont séduit, visiblement une grande partie du public n'y est réceptive. Disons que pour beaucoup le film "se veut" fun, mais n'arrive jamais à l'être.

J'irais le voir la semaine prochaine pour ma part, parce que, visiblement, on dirait que DC tente vraiment de construire quelque chose.
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Messagede Adanedhel » Mer 3 Aoû 2016 09:47

Je vais le voir samedi aussi pour ma part...
C'est sûr que ces critiques ne sont pas très encourageante mais étant donné que je n'attend absolument rien du film je serai peut-être surpris :)
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Zack Whedon
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Mar 6 Sep 2016 20:44

Shia Laboeuf révèle qu'Ayer le voulait pour le rôle d'Eastwood, mais WB a dit non...

LabBeouf, who starred in David Ayer’s 2014 movie Fury, says the director approached him about the role in Suicide Squad that Scott Eastwood ended up playing.

“The character was different initially,” LaBeouf says. “Then Will [Smith] came in, and the script changed a bit. That character and Tom [Hardy’s] character [later played by Joel Kinnaman] got written down to build Will up.”

LaBeouf told Variety that the studio vetoed his casting. “I don’t think Warner Bros. wanted me. I went in to meet, and they were like, ‘Nah, you’re crazy. You’re a good actor, but not this one.’ It was a big investment for them.”
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Kevin Gunn
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Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede NiradZedjati » Dim 22 Jan 2017 16:53

C'est ballot de n'y penser que maintenant, David...

David Ayer : "I know Squad has its flaws, Hell, the World knows it. Nothing hurts more than to pick up a newspaper and see a couple years of your blood, sweat and tears ripped to shreds. The hate game is strong out there.

“The movie was wildly successful commercially. And the World got introduced into some very cool characters in the DC Universe. And that success is due exactly to the wonder and power of DC, of its characters. Would I do a lot of things different? Yep, for sure.

Wish I had a time machine. I’d make Joker the main villain and engineer a more grounded story. I have to take the good and bad and learn from it. I love making movies and I love DC.
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Kevin Gunn
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Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede Omen » Dim 22 Jan 2017 21:36

NiradZedjati a écrit:C'est ballot de n'y penser que maintenant, David...

David Ayer : "I know Squad has its flaws, Hell, the World knows it. Nothing hurts more than to pick up a newspaper and see a couple years of your blood, sweat and tears ripped to shreds. The hate game is strong out there.

“The movie was wildly successful commercially. And the World got introduced into some very cool characters in the DC Universe. And that success is due exactly to the wonder and power of DC, of its characters. Would I do a lot of things different? Yep, for sure.

Wish I had a time machine. I’d make Joker the main villain and engineer a more grounded story. I have to take the good and bad and learn from it. I love making movies and I love DC.

L'important est qu'ils en tirent les leçons. C'est dommage pour ce film ne répétons pas les même erreurs.
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Christopher Nolan
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Messagede ROY » Dim 22 Jan 2017 21:52

Il n'y a que moi qui pense que de ne pas avoir fait du Joker le vilain principal de Suicide Squad n'est pas une erreur ?
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Zack Whedon
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Messagede Batman (V2) » Dim 22 Jan 2017 23:05

ROY a écrit:Il n'y a que moi qui pense que de ne pas avoir du Joker le vilain principal de Suicide Squad n'est pas une erreur ?

Je suis d'accord, c'était une des bonnes idées du film ! ^^
Batman (V2)

Messagede Omen » Lun 23 Jan 2017 03:22

ROY a écrit:Il n'y a que moi qui pense que de ne pas avoir fait du Joker le vilain principal de Suicide Squad n'est pas une erreur ?

Ce n'est pas ainsi que se pause la question AMHA : avec le Joker ils auraient pu faire un navet comme un truc génial. C'est plus qu'ils se rendent compte qu'il y avait quelque chose de bancal dans le scénario.
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Christopher Nolan
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Messagede ROY » Lun 23 Jan 2017 09:57

Omen a écrit:
ROY a écrit:Il n'y a que moi qui pense que de ne pas avoir fait du Joker le vilain principal de Suicide Squad n'est pas une erreur ?

Ce n'est pas ainsi que se pause la question AMHA : avec le Joker ils auraient pu faire un navet comme un truc génial. C'est plus qu'ils se rendent compte qu'il y avait quelque chose de bancal dans le scénario.

Non là il parle juste du fait que le public voulait plus de Joker.
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Zack Whedon
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Messagede Leiv » Lun 23 Jan 2017 10:19

Oui enfin le public a voulu plus de Joker.... Quand les premier trailer ont montré du Joker... Et que ça a sous entendu que le joker serait quasi omniprésent...

On en revient à leur promo foirée qui a vendu autre chose que ce qui existait.
Héraut cosmique
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Messagede Tom's19 » Lun 23 Jan 2017 15:04

Entièrement d'accord avec Leiv :)
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Héraut cosmique
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Messagede Leiv » Lun 23 Jan 2017 17:01

Perso pour l'avoir vu il y a deux semaines donc une fois toute la folie entourant le film passée, je trouve au contraire que le joker est bien trop présent pour le rôle qui lui incombe...
On passe 3 plombes a montré "la vie de couple" du Joker et Harley, j'ai envie de dire "mais qu'est ce qu'on en a à foutre dans le film ???". si on enlève cette phase, alors ca va mieux, tu as le Joker qui tente de récup sa copine, dans une histoire parallèle à l'intrigue principale, soit.

Ils auraient mieux fait de faire une prequel "joker et Harley" qu'on évacue ce problème... Là ils ont mis au forceps des scènes pour bien montrer que J et H c'est à la vie, à la mort... Oui mais c'est pas l'intrigue de Suicide Squad...
Héraut cosmique
Messages: 1593
Inscription: 08 Nov 2011

Ils en parlent...

Messagede ROY » Ven 25 Aoû 2017 17:45


Leto recently appeared on the radio show Kyle & Jackie O (via Heroic Hollywood), and it was there the star opened up about his work with DC Films. The hosts asked Leto about his rumored feud with Warner Bros. about the missteps they made with Suicide Squad, but the actor said those reports were blown out of proportion.

Jared Leto a écrit:“No...There’s so much hype and bullsh*t about [what happened with Suicide Squad], but I think it’s just a fun thing to talk about. Even when the movie came out, there was so much misrepresentation about what went down, about the ‘method acting’ crap – it’s just that 90% of it wasn’t true, and you can’t even...It takes on a life of its own,” Leto said.

“It was an incredible experience, everybody was amazing. Margot Robbie [is] one of the nicest people – one of the best actresses I’ve ever worked with, and I really loved working with her,” Leto continued. “I thought the scenes of what we did together were some of the most fun I’ve ever had on a set before.”

Before changing topics, Leto also appeared to reassure fans about his long-term commitment to the Joker. The actor said “everything’s great” in his DCEU world and that he’s “really proud to be a part of it.”

via THR

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Zack Whedon
Messages: 22744
Inscription: 12 Fév 2015
Localisation: Centre, France

Ils en parlent...

Messagede ROY » Jeu 7 Sep 2017 02:34


I’m a little confused too, I love the Joker, He’s a great character and really fun character to play. But it’s a big universe and when you play the Joker, there’s no ownership there. You have the honor of holding the baton for a little while and then passing it off. There are other films that are in development and I’m excited to see what comes from them.

via THR
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Zack Whedon
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Localisation: Centre, France

Messagede NiradZedjati » Mar 28 Nov 2017 00:10

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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 29676
Inscription: 07 Nov 2011


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