The Flash - Ils en parlent...

Tout sur The Flash et son univers ! Barry Allen voyage dans le temps et dans le multivers pour empêcher un terrible événement (2023)...

Messagede NiradZedjati » Mer 21 Aoû 2019 23:19

Miller confirme qu'il en est toujours.

“Well, I’ll tell you the ones that I can tell you about because they’re absolutely confirmed are Fantastic Beasts 3, The Flash movie, I’m making more music with Sons of an Illustrious Father — the band I’m in — and I’m also making some music on my own which will be sort of a new project, a solo project.”
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Kevin Gunn
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Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede JAK » Jeu 22 Aoû 2019 21:36

The Flash Movie! :love:
Il y a tellement de potentiel avec ce personnage, autant suicide squad était un faux-pas, autant revoir Jai Courtney dans ce film serait génial! Ou Captain Cold!
Allez on y croit :flash:
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Jeu 9 Jan 2020 00:32

During an interview with That Hashtag Show, new director Andy Muschietti confirmed that the aforementioned story will be adapted in Ezra Miller film, however, it may be a “different version of Flashpoint than you’re expecting.”
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Kevin Gunn
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Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede EagleWolf » Jeu 9 Jan 2020 10:46

Forcément.. il faudra qu'ils surprennent, donc différent du comics et de la série.

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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Dim 14 Juin 2020 00:37

Productrice du film et femme d'Andy.

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Kevin Gunn
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Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede Supernad » Dim 14 Juin 2020 16:10

Nouveau décalage de date de sortie :D
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Stan Lee
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Messagede mulder29 » Dim 14 Juin 2020 16:24

Celui là, j'y croirais vriment à la première photo de tournage et pas avant.
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Dim 14 Juin 2020 21:35

Supernad a écrit:Nouveau décalage de date de sortie :D

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Kevin Gunn
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Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede Niffleur » Lun 15 Juin 2020 11:10

J'arrive même plus à être hypé... et dire que ce film paraît plus impensable que la Snyder's cut. :paf:
"L'avenir vaut en tous cas la peine que vous découvriez ce qu'il vous réserve." -TloZ : Phantom Hourglass
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Localisation: Dans un petit studio qui sent bon le papier neuf

Messagede Winter Soldier » Lun 15 Juin 2020 23:12

Je suppose qu’ils conservent Ezra Miller malgré la vidéo polémique ?
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Messagede Thor2.0 » Lun 15 Juin 2020 23:23

NiradZedjati a écrit:Productrice du film et femme d'Andy.

Surement pour l’évent du 22 Août
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Messagede Julien Ker » Ven 19 Juin 2020 11:44

Plutôt évident, mais Cyborg est bien programmé pour apparaître dans The Flash(point) selon Barbara Muschietti.

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Julien Ker
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Lun 27 Juil 2020 21:29

Julien Ker a écrit:Plutôt évident, mais Cyborg est bien programmé pour apparaître dans The Flash(point) selon Barbara Muschietti.

Fisher :

“I know [Miller] is excited, like really excited about it. That’s all I can say. I can’t really say anything about [being in it] but, um, maybe…I don’t know…hopefully…we’ll see…perhaps! It is something that’s been going around for a while and I know people have been speculating. But, you know, movies are what they are. They change, they adapt, they evolve. Um, but that’s all I can say about that!”
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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Sam 1 Aoû 2020 00:42

Andy Muschietti did state in a recent interview with Oren 67, however, that the plot will involve Ezra Miller’s The Flash trying to save his mother:

“It is a story of time travel: Flash travels back to try to save his mother. It is a spectacular action movie but it has a big heart ”
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Kevin Gunn
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Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede Batmanium » Sam 1 Aoû 2020 14:11

Il y a des gens qui se plaignent d'avoir déjà trop vu ça avec The Flash... Je n'ose même pas imaginer ce qu'ils pourraient penser si on avait eu 3 versions de Spider-Man en 15 ans. :paf: :roll:
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Stan Lee
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Messagede EagleWolf » Mar 11 Aoû 2020 17:22

Aurait-il été meilleur que celui que nous aurons, rien est moins certain :


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Kevin Gunn
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Localisation: Far Beyond Here

Messagede Batmanium » Mar 11 Aoû 2020 17:42

EagleWolf a écrit:Aurait-il été meilleur que celui que nous aurons, rien est moins certain

À chaque fois que t'écris ce genre de phrase avant de poster le lien d'un article j'ai l'impression que le générique des Experts ou celui de Faites Entrer l'Accusé va se lancer. :paf:
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Stan Lee
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Messagede EagleWolf » Mar 11 Aoû 2020 17:51

Batmanium a écrit:À chaque fois que t'écris ce genre de phrase avant de poster le lien d'un article j'ai l'impression que le générique des Experts ou celui de Faites Entrer l'Accusé va se lancer. :paf:


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Kevin Gunn
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Localisation: Far Beyond Here

Messagede Supernad » Mar 11 Aoû 2020 21:43

Batmanium a écrit:
EagleWolf a écrit:Aurait-il été meilleur que celui que nous aurons, rien est moins certain

À chaque fois que t'écris ce genre de phrase avant de poster le lien d'un article j'ai l'impression que le générique des Experts ou celui de Faites Entrer l'Accusé va se lancer. :paf:

On dirait plutot Pierre Belmarre à la fin de chaque épisode des enquêtes impossible. :lol:
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Stan Lee
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Messagede EagleWolf » Mer 12 Aoû 2020 10:55

Image :D

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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Dim 13 Sep 2020 00:54

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Kevin Gunn
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Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede EagleWolf » Dim 13 Sep 2020 04:50

"include multiple DC Characters" :) Cool'cool'cool.. !!

La productrice Barbara Muschietti verrait bien un team-up avec WW dans une suite :
"Yes we want more Flash movies and I would love to see a two-hander, that's a movie with two stars, of two main characters between The Flash and Wonder Woman. I think they'd be the perfect odd couple, best friends, and I think they could solve a lot of problems in the world with little or no violence which is always a plus in my book."

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Kevin Gunn
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Localisation: Far Beyond Here

Messagede EagleWolf » Lun 14 Sep 2020 10:14

Andy Muschietti sur le ton de l'histoire :
"My Flash is not gonna be light or dark in tone. It's gonna have everything. If you saw my previous movies like It and It 2, you'll know that I like to put everything in it. So what you'll see in Flash is very deep emotional story, but it's also gonna be very funny hopefully and a great, epic adventure at the same time. And also terrifying sometimes. So that's my answer. Get ready."

Ezra Miller sur le costume :
"I have yet to see it. But I've heard some things about it and they're extremely exciting. There'll be some twists- in some ways, I believe it will be a more traditional, comic-based costume but in other ways, it might be somewhat unconventional. I've heard it might be lighter than my last suit as an example of some of the changes. I'm not sure how much I can say."

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Kevin Gunn
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Localisation: Far Beyond Here

Messagede NiradZedjati » Lun 12 Avr 2021 23:54

During an interview with Empire, Ray Fisher revealed that he's always seen eye-to-eye with director Andy Muschietti when it comes to how his character should be portrayed, and certainly seemed to indicate that the door hasn't fully closed for him to reprise the role of Victor Stone in the Scarlet Speedster's first solo outing.

“Andy seems to have his head on straight and understood these characters by making it about the relationship more than just a display of superpowers,” said Fisher, who was given the chance to fully develop Cyborg in Zack Snyder's Justice League. “We were on the same page about that, and it’ll be a bummer if there is no way to resolve the issue.”
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Kevin Gunn
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Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede NiradZedjati » Lun 31 Mai 2021 23:38

During an interview with Beyond the Trailer, one of the VFX supervisors working on Ezra Miller’s The Flash opened up about what’s being planned for the Scarlet Speedster’s solo movie, teasing some super, super strange ideas being thrown around. John “D.J.” Des Jardin explained that the film will expand on what we saw from Barry Allen in Justice League while praising director Andy Muschietti for his creative ideas.

“There are a lot of things and. I don’t really wanna talk about them, because they’ll kinda give away maybe some of the technology and some of the fun stuff…. I would just say that [Director Andy Muschietti]’s got some really interesting concepts of ways to extend the look and the vibe of the Barry Allen Flash, the Ezra Miller Flash, the Zack Snyder Flash that we kind of gave you a taste of in Justice League and kind of goes on from there.”

Des Jardin was careful not to say too much for fear of ruining anything, but promised that it’ll be an intriguing movie because of how weird some of the visuals will be. Hopefully some of that weirdness comes from travelling between universes, since The Flash will visit the world of Michael Keaton’s Batman, as the film’s crew was recently spotted filming at the building used for Wayne Manor in the 1989 comic book adaption.

“And I really don’t wanna say anything because y’know, Bryan and his team have been doing a lot of conceptual R&D to get a lot of these concepts and things nailed down, really successfully, I might add… I think Bryan can back me up on this- some of the ideas are super, super strange and very intriguing because of that.”
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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 29675
Inscription: 07 Nov 2011


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