NiradZedjati a écrit:Ah en cliquant sur Vero j'arrive à mieux voir les details...ça a l'air de la SF pure et dure, en attendant la premiére image !
EagleWolf a écrit:C'est clair, faudra voir quel est le montant du budget justement.
“A peaceful colony on the edge of the galaxy is threatened by the armies of a tyrannical regent named Balisarius. Desperate people dispatch a young woman with a mysterious past to seek out warriors from neighboring planets to help them make a stand."
"The movie’s about a planet not in our... it’s a space fantasy so there’s no Earth, necessarily. But there’s a community on a planet, a farming planet, and there’s a bunch of bad guys from other worlds [who] are in the area and they need to be fed, so they come to the village and ask for the village to feed them while they’re doing their war in that area of the galaxy. And, of course, they are not kind about asking and the result will probably be the obliteration of the village itself. The villagers decide to fight, and so they have to go out into the galaxy and collect warriors to help them."
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