La trilogie de Sam Raimi

Tout sur la trilogie Spider-Man de Sam Raimi ! Il y a bien longtemps, Peter Parker était le roi incontesté des super-héros au cinéma...

Messagede Winter Soldier » Mar 28 Avr 2020 22:01

Franchement, je préfère le costume en plastique. Là, je trouve que c’est beaucoup trop grotesque, notamment les grosses oreilles.
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Winter Soldier
Christopher Nolan
Messages: 3967
Inscription: 19 Juin 2016

Messagede ROY » Mar 28 Avr 2020 23:51

C'est vraiment énorme, quel dommages qu'ils aient passé autant d'heures à confectionner ce masques et qu'ils ne l'aient pas gardé...
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Zack Whedon
Messages: 22726
Inscription: 12 Fév 2015
Localisation: Centre, France

Messagede Adanedhel » Mer 29 Avr 2020 00:33

Winter Soldier a écrit:Franchement, je préfère le costume en plastique. Là, je trouve que c’est beaucoup trop grotesque, notamment les grosses oreilles.

Vu que le film est très fantaisiste et comic-bookesque, ce serait passé tout seul je pense
Until we reach the last edge, the last opening, the last star, and can go no higher - Enfys Nest

Venez voter pour les Oscars Héroïques 2024 !
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Zack Whedon
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Inscription: 20 Oct 2014
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Messagede math7777 » Mer 29 Avr 2020 09:10

A voir en action.
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Inscription: 08 Aoû 2012

Messagede Lil_Suig » Jeu 30 Avr 2020 20:57

Wouah, ça aurait été énorme avec ce masque :o
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Christopher Nolan
Messages: 3709
Inscription: 18 Jan 2014
Localisation: Pays de la pluie (Bretagne)

Messagede mulder29 » Jeu 30 Avr 2020 23:09

Adanedhel a écrit:
Winter Soldier a écrit:Franchement, je préfère le costume en plastique. Là, je trouve que c’est beaucoup trop grotesque, notamment les grosses oreilles.

Vu que le film est très fantaisiste et comic-bookesque, ce serait passé tout seul je pense

Encore que... c'est censé être quoi ? Un simple masque ?

Parce que je ne vois pas non plus Norman Osborn avoir ça dans ses tiroirs.
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Inscription: 15 Nov 2013

Messagede Batmanium » Jeu 30 Avr 2020 23:16

mulder29 a écrit:
Adanedhel a écrit:
Winter Soldier a écrit:Franchement, je préfère le costume en plastique. Là, je trouve que c’est beaucoup trop grotesque, notamment les grosses oreilles.

Vu que le film est très fantaisiste et comic-bookesque, ce serait passé tout seul je pense

Encore que... c'est censé être quoi ? Un simple masque ?

Parce que je ne vois pas non plus Norman Osborn avoir ça dans ses tiroirs.

Il n'avait pas celui utilisé dans le film non plus.
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Stan Lee
Messages: 7750
Inscription: 10 Déc 2016

Messagede ROY » Jeu 30 Avr 2020 23:16

mulder29 a écrit:
Adanedhel a écrit:
Winter Soldier a écrit:Franchement, je préfère le costume en plastique. Là, je trouve que c’est beaucoup trop grotesque, notamment les grosses oreilles.

Vu que le film est très fantaisiste et comic-bookesque, ce serait passé tout seul je pense

Encore que... c'est censé être quoi ? Un simple masque ?

Parce que je ne vois pas non plus Norman Osborn avoir ça dans ses tiroirs.

Bah non c'était une transformation.
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Zack Whedon
Messages: 22726
Inscription: 12 Fév 2015
Localisation: Centre, France

Messagede EagleWolf » Sam 4 Juil 2020 10:57

Vous pouvez récupérer les quatre versions du scénario original de David Koepp de S-M 2 avant qu'il ne soit réécrit par Michael Chabon, puis encore plus tard par Sam Raimi et Alvin Sargent.

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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 44514
Inscription: 17 Nov 2012
Localisation: Far Beyond Here

Messagede EagleWolf » Jeu 23 Juil 2020 18:34


Partagez et mettez à jour vos classements des Films Super-Héroïques et Star Wars !!
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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 44514
Inscription: 17 Nov 2012
Localisation: Far Beyond Here

Messagede EagleWolf » Sam 19 Sep 2020 11:38

Toujours intéressant :


We open up in the sky. A feather falls to the ground. Just as
it does, a slew of bank robbers pour out. As they look up, the
Spider-Man swings down gracefully, landing in a spider like
position. He beats the criminals up and just as the cops arrive, the
web-head swings into an alley way. He removes his mask,
revealing to us to be Peter Parker.

Parker enters the DB, only for it to be revealed that JJ has been removed as
editor, and Adrian Tombs has taken his place. Tombs is a
hardened, bold and frightening man who does not have a sense of
humour. By night, Tombs turns into The Vulture and begins to
rob the many banks across the city. By morning, the headlines
spread over the city.

Spider-Man begins to investigate the case with an utility
belt that is equipped with a mini crime-case-solver kit. He yanks out a
small magnifying glass and starts to go over the scene of the
crime. He notices the feather, he picks it up. Spider-Man
swings by the ESU university, raking his brain trying to figure out the
significance of the feather. Using a DNA scanner machine,
Parker finds out that the DNA belongs to Adrian Tombs.
The next day, Mary Jane invites Peter for lunch, so he can meet her
real father. Peter arrives at the Louvre kitchen with a suit
that is clearly not fit for him, accompanied with a stash of roses. He
drops them at the site of her father, Adrian Tombs. Both
Peter and Tombs shake hands, this being an awkward scene, we
move our cut to... Peter and MJ’s new penthouse apartment.
The two are arguing over the idea that the man can’t be
trusted and that he is, in fact, The Vulture. Mary Jane leaves
in anger.

At the downtown Electro Corp, tired worker Max Dillon is
working on a nuclear power capsule when suddenly with a crack
of thunder... The Vulture swoops in. Dillon tries to protect
himself with a hand gun, but is smashed into a nuclear power
diode which erupts on him and itself, into sparks. Vulture
steals a capsule. On exit, Spider-Man swings in and an
arial fight scene begins. The fight swings from state towers
all the way into the Empire State Building. Vulture grabs a
hostage, but the Spider-Man shoots a web on the flying villain's face,
stunning The Vulture. The hostage is saved. The Vulture curses the Spider once
more, before escaping.

Later at the Bekil Hospital, Max awakens with his body being
confined to a gigantic plastic tube which stores his
energy and deflects it. He is being watched by a set of
scientists and professors who stand behind a protective
barrier. Dillon in rage melts through the tube and shocks
all the scientists to death. On escape, Max picks up a newspaper
heading with The Vulture on it, and melts it with his bare

Meanwhile at Tombs’s home, The Vulture is fixing his
damaged suit. Just as he finds out what the problem is
with his gigantic metallic wings, Mary Jane enters.
To her shock, she runs away. Tombs does not react.

At the DB in the next morning. Peter rushes in with some
more photos of Spider-Man’s battle with The Vulture. Tombs
scrunches up the pictures with his hands, telling Peter that
they are of no use to him or anyone else. As an argument erupts, a
hooded figure in a semi green and yellow tight outfit bursts
out in electricity in the corner of the press, blowing up
tables and desks. Peter quickly maneuvers with his webs,
creating a steel desk shield on the editors front door. Tombs
notices and immediately jumps out the window. As he glides in
the air, the steel wings pop out and Tombs swings
into a lower level of the building. Peter now has to deal with Max.
Peter turns around to see that Tombs has disappeared, and thus transforming
into Spider-Man. As Max threatens an innocent in the corner,
Spider-Man jumps over the shield and taunts Max.

A fight erupts between the two. Spider-Man notices that he
can’t physically touch the man. He ducks out of the fight. To
his embarrassment, a crowd of watchers and children laugh at
the hero as he has a burnt hole on his buttocks area.
Later, Tombs is hiding in a park tunnel preparing his escape to his lair.
Then suddenly, a streak of energy glazes over, revealing it
to us to be... Max. Instead of killing Adrian, Max agrees to
join him defeat Spider-Man under the condition that Tombs
feeds his new-found hunger for energy, with the stolen capsule.

Peter goes over to Aunt May’s. The two have a sweet
conversation that turns rather bitter towards the end. Peter
admits to being Spider-Man and that it was his fault he
didn’t do anything to prevent Uncle Ben’s death. May cries as
Peter leaves.

The next day Mary Jane calls Peter over to the park. She
tells Peter that she should have listened to him and everything he has said
for the last few years. She also tells him how little she can stay with
him anymore because of his self-righteousness and his obsession of
being a super-hero. She breaks up with Peter and tells him
that she is going to live in Los Angeles.

Peter sits atop a building at night, drowning in self
pity. A mysterious Black Cat figure is seen breaking into
a diamond storage house. Peter throws on his mask and swings
up to the storage house. We move in to see that it is a
woman with sexy curves and white hair. Spider-Man tries to
stop her, but at the sight of her is spun into a dream state.
As he is in wonder-shock, The Cat pulls out a grapple gun and
fires it at the web-head, hooking him by the shoulder and
thrusting him into a wall. She then tries the same trick but
is violently grabbed by the web-head. A chase now begins
across the city between Cat and Spider. Eventually we end up
at a dock where a group of crooks are planning an arms deal.
Together the two team up to thrash the crooks. The Spider and
The Cat smile at each other after they defeat the crooks and
kiss each other passionately. They then make love in Peters

Peter awakens to find out that The Cat is showering. He
approaches the shower to see her butt naked body. Peter joins
her as we cut out. Later Felicia Hardy and Peter are
discussing their plan of how to tackle Adrian Tombs. Felicia
mentions that she has a personal vendetta against him, but
does not elaborate further.

Meanwhile at the lair. Max and Tombs are discussing their
plan of defeat Spider-Man. Adrian suggests going after Peter
Parker because he has a feeling that Peter is Spider-Man.
Max agrees and suggests that they go for his loved one’s.
Tombs remembers May, Peters Aunt.
At Aunt May’s, someone knocks on the door. May gets up thinking
it’s Peter. As she opens the door, Max stings her on the neck knocking
her out. She falls into his arms.

The lights throughout the city, including Times Square, are gone.
Complete darkness. It turns out that the entire New York
Area is under a power outage. Peter suits up as Spider-Man,
while Felicia suits up as The Cat. The two help people who
are clouded in darkness and stuck underneath rubble from a
gas explosion. As the fire department arrive, the two head
down to the Main Power Facility.

As they arrive at the main power center. BOOM, a giant hyper
Max smashes out from the ground. His body is over twenty feet
and is now just pure energy and rage. Both Cat and Spider-Man
hide behind vehicles, which instantly get blasted away.
Peter notices a tower of energy pillars and tells Cat to
distract Max. Cat thinks of the only thing she’s really good
for... she slightly takes off her top, to reveal her cleavage,
attracting hyper-Max. She leads Max in between the power
tower conductors, where Spider-Man hits a switch.
This releases more energy, which results in Max being overloaded with energy.
Dillon then turns into a gigantic ball of pure energy and begins to
absorb all the power in the city. As the authorities and military arrive on the
scene, Max explodes. Like a miniature nuclear bomb, he causes
mass destruction on the east side of New York.

Spider-Man and The Cat hang out on a peer as they watch the
explosion, Peter feels guilty that his plan caused the deaths
of many police officers. Cat cheers him up before shooting
him in the back with a dart gun.

The scene changes to a destroyed warehouse. Peter awakens to see
The Cat and Vulture next to each other. Cat explains how she
was forced into doing this to Peter, by Vulture and that he has her sister
hostage. Peter breaks free from the chains, just as he is about
to attack Vulture. We notice that the villain has a switch in
his hand and we move up to see that Aunt May and Cat's sister are
tied up to explosives. Vulture threatens to press the button.
On this very intense scene Peter spins a web that grabs the
switch, Cat then kicks the villain in the chest thrusting him
into a wall. Cat disarms Vulture while Spider-Man saves Aunt
May and Cat’s sister. Captain Stacy and his team arrive on
the scene to find Vulture tied upside down with a note
attached saying “From your friendly neighbourhood spiderman.”

That same night Cat apologizes to Peter. Peter tells her that
he understands. He also explains that he is planning to leave
the safety of the city in her hands. They kiss once more and Peter swings away.
The next morning Peter visits Aunt May. He tells Aunt May that he is sorry
for everything that she has endured because of him. Aunt May forgives Peter and
advises him that being Spider-Man is always a choice, and he can always
decide what he wants to do with it. On his way out he bumps into Mary Jane.
She tells Peter that she still wants to be with him,
but Peter refuses and walks away.

Peter now stands at the edge of the Brooklyn bridge. In his
hands the Spider-Man mask. Peter stares as it deeply feeling
a sense of regret for being Spider-Man for so many years, he
also feels a sense of happiness. Peter tosses the mask off
the side of the bridge. It lands in the river below and our
camera closes on the eye of the mask as we fade out.

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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 44514
Inscription: 17 Nov 2012
Localisation: Far Beyond Here

Messagede LMO42 » Jeu 24 Sep 2020 21:10

Petite vidéo très sympa !

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Zack Whedon
Messages: 10157
Inscription: 17 Oct 2013

Messagede LMO42 » Mar 20 Oct 2020 21:23

Et cette série d'excellentes vidéos se poursuit avec cette très intéressante et marrante proposition ! :lol: :D

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Zack Whedon
Messages: 10157
Inscription: 17 Oct 2013

Messagede Adanedhel » Mar 20 Oct 2020 21:26

C'est vraiment cool qu'il continue ! :D Je m'en vais regarder ça !
Until we reach the last edge, the last opening, the last star, and can go no higher - Enfys Nest

Venez voter pour les Oscars Héroïques 2024 !
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Zack Whedon
Messages: 17103
Inscription: 20 Oct 2014
Localisation: (Ky)Lorraine

Messagede LMO42 » Lun 18 Jan 2021 01:46

Et 3e et dernier épisode de cette mini-série... Sympa mais sans plus pour le coup. Le résumé est à mourir de rire, mais globalement j'ai trouvé l'analyse absente et expédiée, ou plutôt pas vraiment fan de l'angle qu'il a opté pour voir les choses, pour au final très peu parler du film en lui-même (et de tous les grands thèmes de la rédemption et du pardon). Mais c'était quand même bien cool globalement !

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Zack Whedon
Messages: 10157
Inscription: 17 Oct 2013

Messagede Yehuda » Lun 18 Jan 2021 12:17

LMO42 a écrit:Et cette série d'excellentes vidéos se poursuit avec cette très intéressante et marrante proposition ! :lol: :D

Je le connaissais pas, c'est assez drôle et surtout vachement pertinent ! Notamment vers la fin quand il touche et insiste à propos de la subjectivité, des regards différents sur une même œuvre, des goûts et de la confrontation des opinions menant parfois à une pseudo hiérarchisation des avis qui n'a aucun sens...
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Stan Lee
Messages: 9522
Inscription: 14 Juin 2013
Localisation: "dans le cruchemon de la caméra" dixit Kathya d'la place Clichy

Messagede Popcorn Reborn » Lun 26 Avr 2021 11:19

On parle de la trilogie Spiderman (17, 20 à 39,21) ,ici et de l'empreinte indélébile laissée sur la culture pop et Hollywood dans ce vlog sympa sur la carrière de Sam Raimi

Bonus: Son engagement sur Docteur Strange 2 et les répercussions potentielles de l'entrée de l'auteur des Spiderman dans la manufacture du MCU, à partir de 1h 06 min.
Popcorn Reborn
Messages: 11
Inscription: 28 Nov 2020

Messagede EagleWolf » Lun 14 Juin 2021 19:03

David E. Duncan a partagé cette animatique sur une partie de la bataille finale entre Spidey et le Vautour qui aurait eu lieu dans Spider-Man 4 :

"One of a half dozen animatics I produced for the ill-fated 4th Raimi Spider-Man, Studio politics, creative differences and bad internet reactions (to John Malkovich as Vulture) caused the plug to be pulled December of 2009, early in the prep stage. However, one month later, Sony moved forward with Andrew Garfield reboot..."

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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 44514
Inscription: 17 Nov 2012
Localisation: Far Beyond Here

Messagede Winter Soldier » Mer 1 Déc 2021 01:10

Je suis tombé sur un thread sur Twitter qui relate toutes les scènes supprimées / alternatives de Spider-Man 3, notamment une scène qui explique certainement une grosse incohérence du film :

- Dans la version initiale du film, Eddie Brock essaye de retrouver l’Homme-Sable après sa transformation en Venom et parvient à le retrouver en journée dans un parc où Flint Marko rend discrètement visite à sa fille en se métamorphosant en château de sable (une scène également supprimée mais qui est trouvable sur Internet depuis quelques années). D’ailleurs, cette scène supprimée devait certainement amener une scène de discussion développant davantage les deux personnages puisque Eddie Brock était vraisemblablement en tenue civile dans les photos de tournage.
Pour information, une photo du tournage de cette scène avec les deux acteurs et l’équipe de réalisation est justement trouvable sur Internet depuis quelques temps.

En comparaison, le montage final du film comporte une brève scène de nuit avec les deux personnages où Venom mentionne la fille de l’Homme-Sable sans aucune raison et ne crée aucune véritable alchimie entre les deux personnages.
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Winter Soldier
Christopher Nolan
Messages: 3967
Inscription: 19 Juin 2016

Messagede EagleWolf » Mer 5 Jan 2022 18:59

Vu le nombre de suites inconsidérées qui ont été faites, je me dis qu'avec cette demande croissante, cela pourrait tout à fait se justifier ici ;) :


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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 44514
Inscription: 17 Nov 2012
Localisation: Far Beyond Here

Messagede Winter Soldier » Mer 5 Jan 2022 20:21

Honnêtement, je ne vois pas l’intérêt de ce hashtag et ce fantasme autour de Spider-Man 4 de manière générale. La trilogie s’est achevée sur une bonne note en 2007, ça me semble inintéressant et surtout improbable de réaliser une suite tardive en 2022.
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Winter Soldier
Christopher Nolan
Messages: 3967
Inscription: 19 Juin 2016

Messagede Dark Sirgon » Mer 5 Jan 2022 20:29

Bah surtout que dans No Way Home le peter/Maguire nous explique que sa vie amoureuse est compliqué mais qu'il est très heureux avec MJ ...alors que peter/Garfield lui nous dit qu'il n'est avec personne et que sa vie de Spidey n'est pas ouf ...
Donc pour moi si suite il devait y avoir et qu'elle aurait été teasé via les dialogues , je partirais plus sur un Amazing 3

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Dark Sirgon
Messages: 2890
Inscription: 01 Avr 2015
Localisation: dans le comicsverse

Messagede Winter Soldier » Jeu 6 Jan 2022 02:17

De toute façon, il faudrait reprendre les acteurs et réalisateurs pour un hypothétique Spider-Man 4 ou The Amazing Spider-Man 3, ce qui me paraît clairement impossible.
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Winter Soldier
Christopher Nolan
Messages: 3967
Inscription: 19 Juin 2016

Messagede EagleWolf » Jeu 6 Jan 2022 11:32

Nan, mais c'est pour le fun, je ne crois non plus que ce soit possible à l'heure actuelle.

Partagez et mettez à jour vos classements des Films Super-Héroïques et Star Wars !!
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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 44514
Inscription: 17 Nov 2012
Localisation: Far Beyond Here

Messagede Winter Soldier » Jeu 6 Jan 2022 11:41

EagleWolf a écrit:Nan, mais c'est pour le fun, je ne crois non plus que ce soit possible à l'heure actuelle.

Justement, j’ai l’impression que beaucoup de fans sont réellement sérieux et pensent faire céder les studios sur tous les projets possibles et inimaginables depuis l’histoire de la Snyder Cut.
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Winter Soldier
Christopher Nolan
Messages: 3967
Inscription: 19 Juin 2016


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