The Batman - Ils en parlent...

Tout sur The Batman ! Un Chevalier Noir débutant mène l'enquête dans les rues de Gotham (2022)...

Messagede NiradZedjati » Jeu 15 Juil 2021 19:50

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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 29675
Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede NiradZedjati » Mar 3 Aoû 2021 15:37

While promoting Marvel Studios’ What If…?, Jeffrey Wright told that the film is very much a “throwback” to Detective Comics:

“We all made this film together, Rob and Zoë [Kravitz] and Colin [Farrell] and John Turturro, all of us working under Matt Reeves’ direction, to create these characters and a Gotham that was specific to our film. And so whatever we do individually is kind of a reflection of what we’re all doing and what Matt’s vision is. And it’s a very specific one. It’s a bit more of a throwback to the DC, as in Detective Comics, of it all.”

Like so many of the people working on the film, Wright also took the time to praise The Batman‘s story and touched on filming during COVID-19:

“I loved it. I loved the script and I loved what we were doing. We were doing it in circumstances that I didn’t love that were really very challenging. Once we shut down and when we got back to work in September it was tricky, particularly the isolation away from family over in London isolated in an empty hotel. But we made, I think, a brilliant film.”

The relationship between James Gordon and Batman is a crucial one. At the end of the interview, Wright later teased his dynamic with Robert Pattinson and how The Batman lead approached the character:

“I loved the dynamic that Rob and I were able to create. I’m really excited for people to see what he does with this. He creates three distinct people. There’s Rob, there’s Bruce Wayne and there’s the Batman and they’re each distinct. It’s really cool. Coming at you next spring.”
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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 29675
Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede Thor2.0 » Mer 25 Aoû 2021 03:24

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Messagede NiradZedjati » Mer 25 Aoû 2021 15:24

Plus que quelques semaines/mois avant le nouveau Trailer au DC Fandome :love:
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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 29675
Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede NiradZedjati » Ven 1 Oct 2021 15:42

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Kevin Gunn
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Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede NiradZedjati » Jeu 25 Nov 2021 02:32

While speaking with Variety, Zoe Kravitz shared that she’s “seen a little” of The Batman so far and was quick to praise Robert Pattinson and Matt Reeves:

“Rob is perfect for this role. He was incredible. His transformation was out of this world. Matt Reeves has a lot of heart, and he cares so much for these characters. I’m just very excited for him to be able to go on vacation because he deserves it. I hope the fans love it because we put a lot of work into this.”
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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 29675
Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede NiradZedjati » Sam 11 Déc 2021 03:01

During an interview from Total Film’s latest issue, Matt Reeves shared that he believes The Batman will be the scariest film in the Dark Knight’s storied cinematic history:

“This movie, I think, is probably the scariest Batman that’s been done. Because the idea of what Batman’s doing – it’s scary.”

While we’ve gotten plenty of takes on Batman in the last few years, Matt Reeves was quick to add that his interpretation will bring something new to the big screen:

“Never been done in quite this way. It’s a detective story, it’s an action movie, and it’s a psychological thriller.”
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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 29675
Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede NiradZedjati » Sam 18 Déc 2021 20:13

Matt Reeves revealed how Nirvana's song and its lead singer, Kurt Cobain, helped inspire Robert Pattinson’s version of Bruce Wayne.

“When I write, I listen to music, and as I was writing the first act, I put on Nirvana’s ‘Something In The Way’. That’s when it came to me that, rather than make Bruce Wayne the playboy version we’ve seen before, there’s another version who had gone through a great tragedy and become a recluse. So I started making this connection to Gus Van Sant’s Last Days, and the idea of this fictionalized version of Kurt Cobain being in this kind of decaying manor.”

Matt Reeves continued by revealing how he sought out Robert Pattinson as the Caped Crusader after seeing him in the Safdie Brother’s Good Time.

“In that movie you could really feel his vulnerability and desperation, but you could also feel his power. I thought that was a great mix. He’s also got that Kurt Cobain thing, where he looks like a rock star, but you also feel like he could be a recluse.”
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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 29675
Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede NiradZedjati » Lun 20 Déc 2021 16:01

While The Batman will find Robert Pattinson's Dark Knight in his second year as Gotham City's vigilante, Kravitz confirms that the movie will serve as "an origin story for Selina. It’s the beginning of her figuring out who she is, beyond just someone trying to survive. I think there’s a lot of space to grow and I think we are watching her become what I’m sure will be the femme fatale."

Sinon y'a la suite du commentaire de Reeves sur son Batou'

"Bruce s'est caché. Il n'est pas quelqu'un de sociable. Il construit tous ces engins, juste avec Alfred [Andy Serkis]. Et même Alfred pense qu'il est devenu fou ! Cela fait deux ans que [Batman] est de sortie chaque nuit, à se faire frapper, tirer dessus, poignarder, brûler, et cela se voit. Il y a une éraflure due à une balle sur son masque, au tout début. Je ne pense pas que ça ait déjà été fait auparavant."
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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 29675
Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede Adanedhel » Lun 20 Déc 2021 16:31

Je crois que je l'ai déjà dit, mais ça me fait toujours le même effet quand je vois cette cagoule immonde, c'est vraiment la pire idée de design, on se croirait revenu 15 ans en arrière de "non mais les comics c'est trop pour les gamins, les dessins sont ridicules on assume pas trop ha ha alors voilà Galactus ce sera un nuage".

Au moins dans le délire on veut se donner un genre d4rk et réaliste, les lunettes qui faisaient des oreilles de chat chez Nolan, c'était une idée sympa.

Et pour le coup comme Zoe Kravitz est quand même une très bonne actrice j'espère qu'elle passera plus de temps à visage découvert (alors que d'habitude on espère justement que les perso passent plus de temps avec leur masque mais là c'est juste pas possible, ils se sont complètement foirés dans les grandes largeurs :-( )
Until we reach the last edge, the last opening, the last star, and can go no higher - Enfys Nest

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Zack Whedon
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Lun 20 Déc 2021 16:39

À voir, le rendu !

Kravitz specifically noted how she and stunt coordinator Rob Alonzo watched footage of cats and lions fighting to pinpoint Catwoman’s visual flair and fighting style.

“We watched cats and lions and how they fight and talked about what is actually possible when you’re my size, and Batman’s so much stronger than me. What is my skill? It’s being fast and tricky. So we did some really interesting floor work that incorporated different kinds of martial arts and capoeira and a kind of feline, dance-like movement.”

“[Rob]’s not just trying to do a bunch of impressive backflips that wouldn’t be possible for that person to do, and he takes into account where we are in the story and where the characters are emotionally. So it was really fun to work from that place.”
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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 29675
Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede NiradZedjati » Lun 20 Déc 2021 23:51

While speaking to Empire Magazine for their latest issue, producer Dylan Clark reaffirms that Reeves' film is indeed "standalone" in nature, but will also "lay a foundation that you can build stories upon.”

"Warner Bros. has a multiverse where they're exploring different ways to use the character. We don't get involved in that. Matt is interested in pushing this character to his emotional depths and shaking him to his core."

Star Robert Pattinson also weighs in, admitting that he's "made a kind of map for where Bruce’s psychology would grow over two more movies. I would love to do it.”

Speaking to Empire (available in print), Reeves rattled off a conveyor belt of influences for bringing the character to life, from Tony Soprano, to Bob Hoskins in The Long Good Friday, to John Cazale in The Godfather. The director says:

"There's a touch of John Cazale as Fredo in The Godfather. He's a mid-level mobster guy and he's got a bit of showmanship to him, but you can see that he wants more and that he's been underestimated. He's ready to make his move."
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Kevin Gunn
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Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede NiradZedjati » Mer 22 Déc 2021 02:34

In case you didn't believe the comparisons between The Batman's Riddler and The Zodiac Killer, Reeves himself admitted it to Empire. Speaking with the magazine in a new interview, he revealed: "He made me think of the Zodiac Killer. He went around in a black, crudely-made costume, with an insignia and an executioner-type hood. In the darkest of dark ways, he's the real-world analogy for one of these rogues'-gallery characters. There was something very powerful and provocative in that idea."
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Kevin Gunn
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Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede NiradZedjati » Jeu 23 Déc 2021 20:46

Speaking with Empire Online, Paul Dano teased the film’s nature, and how it operates on a grounded but still imaginative level, which appears to be quite distinct compared to previous versions of the character.

“I liked how both grounded and big this film is at the same time. So there are some grounding forces like the Zodiac Killer, right? But it’s still The Batman, and for me it’s much bigger, so it was important to let my imagination react to the script, rather than strictly basing it on a serial killer.”

A lot has been said about the character’s costume, which trades flashy, convoluted outfits of spandex in favor of something more minimal and brooding, realistic even. In the chat, the outlet pointed out how the character’s suit seems homemade. Paul Dano discussed this idea, teasing how the Riddler’s suit has a DIY (Do It Yourself) element to it that grounds the character and informs the film’s larger visual language.

“The costume was very intense. I think the potential DIY element you’re talking about was actually scarier to me than the more sophisticated or composed designs we might have played with. I found working with the costume to be very powerful. When you put on something like that, there’s a way to let it speak to you, and tell your body something. There’s a way to let it have a life of its own.”
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Kevin Gunn
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Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede NiradZedjati » Dim 26 Déc 2021 20:31

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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 29675
Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede EagleWolf » Mar 11 Jan 2022 19:11

Jason Kilar (PDG de WarnerMedia) sur la date de sortie :
"We're certainly paying attention to everything going on with Omicron. We feel good about the date right now. We're gonna watch it day by day."

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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede EagleWolf » Mer 19 Jan 2022 16:51

Post du scénariste suite à la projo presse :


Partagez et mettez à jour vos classements des Films Super-Héroïques et Star Wars !!
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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Jeu 20 Jan 2022 02:46

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Kevin Gunn
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Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede EagleWolf » Mar 25 Jan 2022 19:58


Partagez et mettez à jour vos classements des Films Super-Héroïques et Star Wars !!
(inclus les calendriers des sorties)
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Kevin Gunn
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Localisation: Far Beyond Here

Messagede NiradZedjati » Jeu 27 Jan 2022 02:43

:sun: :bat:

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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 29675
Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede LMO42 » Jeu 27 Jan 2022 12:23

Nirad contamine son amour pour le prochain Batman…. Jusqu’à même Black Adam. :happy:
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Zack Whedon
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Messagede Batou » Jeu 27 Jan 2022 13:46

Hop! Nouvelle photo d'utilisateur pour moi :lol: :bat:
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Héraut cosmique
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Jeu 27 Jan 2022 15:46

Haha ça s'est joué à 1cm prés ! :paf:

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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 29675
Inscription: 07 Nov 2011

Messagede Yehuda » Lun 14 Fév 2022 22:52

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Stan Lee
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Messagede NiradZedjati » Mar 15 Fév 2022 20:20

Matt Reeves opened by revealing that he would be interested in tackling a grounded version of Mr. Freeze for a potential sequel.

“In my view, I just feel drawn to finding the grounded version of everything. So to me it would be a challenge in an interesting way to try and figure out how that could happen, even the idea of something like Mr. Freeze, that such a great story, right? I think there’s actually a grounded version of that story, which could be really powerful and could be really great. So, I love the fantastical side of Batman, but this iteration, obviously, while being, to me, I think it is very comics faithful, but I don’t think that this one is necessarily, it doesn’t lean as hard into the fantastical, I guess. But I think to me what would be interesting would be to try and unwind the fantastical and see, well, how could that make sense here? And so that’s kind of my view, how I see it.”
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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 29675
Inscription: 07 Nov 2011


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