Captain America : Brave New World - Ils en parlent...

Tout sur Captain America : Brave New World ! Sam Wilson fait tout pour contrecarrer le plan machiavélique du Leader (2024)...

Captain America : Brave New World - Ils en parlent...

Messagede EagleWolf » Jeu 11 Nov 2021 19:20

Nate Moore (producteur) :
"I think, he's not Steve Rogers and I think that's a good thing. Because to me, this new Cap is Rocky. He's going to be the underdog in any situation. He's not a super soldier. He's not a hundred years old. He doesn't have the Avengers. What happens with this guy who announces publicly kind of, without the support, 'I'm new Captain America.' What happens next? I think is fascinating because he's a guy. He's a guy with wings and a shield, but he is a guy."

"So, we're going to put him through the wringer and make him earn it, and see what happens when he is outweighed, outclassed, out-everything. What makes somebody Captain America? I'm going to argue it's not being a super soldier. And I think we're going to prove that with Mackie and Sam Wilson.

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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 44514
Inscription: 17 Nov 2012
Localisation: Far Beyond Here

Messagede EagleWolf » Jeu 15 Sep 2022 15:53

"It's going to be a really, really incredible ride. It's a paranoid thriller with Sam (Wilson) at the center of it, and he is now in this position where he is a leader and he has to deal with that challenge of what it means to lead a group of people that he really cares about. For Sam, beforehand, he was part of a team, but now to be at the head of a team is a new set of challenges, so his journey in this film is really about that."

There’s a lot we’re gonna bring to the table. Again, this is a new set of challenges and a new set of adversaries. So I love classic paranoid thrillers and that’s part of the big inspiration for this film. We want to find action that is grounded, and tactile, and give him new things to do that you haven’t seen in those other films. I don’t want to spoil too much, but let’s just say we are planning some really, really exciting things.


"We starting next spring."


À propos du titre :
"What does that mean? The decisions he's going to have to make, and the situations he's going to be confronted with are radically different from what Steve Rogers had to deal with. And as a result of that, because he's a leader, now, of this team, he's got to make decisions that are going to have massive implications."

"So, the world has changed around him and he's a changed man, and I think that leads to some really exciting storytelling."

"Well, look, he is a different human being and coming from a different set of experiences. Back in the Winter Soldier, we saw what it means for somebody like him to take the shield. But it is also a very different MCU."

"It's a post-blip MCU. It's a post-Thanos MCU. So, the world has changed a lot too. And the role of a hero has changed.

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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 44514
Inscription: 17 Nov 2012
Localisation: Far Beyond Here

Messagede EagleWolf » Jeu 22 Sep 2022 14:42

Julias Onah (réalisateur) sur Joaquin Torres/New Falcon (Danny Ramirez) :
"I’m thrilled, you know, Danny Ramirez, who’s playing Falcon, he and I go back a bit, so and Anthony’s somebody I’ve been a huge, huge fan of as well. So getting to work with them, first of all, director to actor, and then being able to shape these characters, and take the relationship forward is incredible."

"And their relationship is one of my favorite ones in this movie it really helps form the emotional core of how Sam has to define himself as Captain America, because he loves this guy. They are both soldiers, they’re brothers, and their journey, I think, is going to be something that really resonates with audiences.

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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 44514
Inscription: 17 Nov 2012
Localisation: Far Beyond Here

Messagede EagleWolf » Ven 23 Sep 2022 19:26

Je lui souhaite...


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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 44514
Inscription: 17 Nov 2012
Localisation: Far Beyond Here

Messagede EagleWolf » Sam 4 Fév 2023 12:17


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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 44514
Inscription: 17 Nov 2012
Localisation: Far Beyond Here

Messagede Yehuda » Sam 4 Fév 2023 15:52

@Eagle, ce n'est pas de New World Order plutôt que de Thunderbolts dont ils parlent ?
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Stan Lee
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Messagede EagleWolf » Sam 4 Fév 2023 17:30

Yehuda a écrit:@Eagle, ce n'est pas de New World Order plutôt que de Thunderbolts dont ils parlent ?

Si, j'ai posté sans réfléchir à cause du nom éponyme. :lol: [Déplacé]

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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 44514
Inscription: 17 Nov 2012
Localisation: Far Beyond Here

Messagede Yehuda » Sam 4 Fév 2023 18:04

:lol: ah oui c'est vrai c'est le General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross haha
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Stan Lee
Messages: 9522
Inscription: 14 Juin 2013
Localisation: "dans le cruchemon de la caméra" dixit Kathya d'la place Clichy

Messagede EagleWolf » Dim 12 Fév 2023 17:58


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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 44514
Inscription: 17 Nov 2012
Localisation: Far Beyond Here

Messagede EagleWolf » Jeu 29 Juin 2023 19:16

Anthony Mackie sur son rapport avec Harrison Ford pendant le tournage :) :
"The first day was so intimidating. I was so f***ing nervous I couldn’t remember my lines. He’s Harrison f***ing Ford. There is this aura about him. But he dispels that really quickly because he’s such a cool guy. He’s everything a movie star should be. He would say, ‘Let’s shoot this piece of sh*t.’ And everybody was like, 'Yeah, let’s shoot this sh*t.'"

"We spent a good bit of time together. Ross and Cap have always had that relationship, where they were friends and they respected each other, but they always bumped heads. That’s their relationship in the storyline.

Et sur son incompréhension persistante du multiverse :lol: :
"I’m still trying to figure out the Marvel-verse, or whatever. I don’t know. I don’t even know what the multiverse is. Dude, I have no idea what it is. I’m still trying to figure that sh*t out."

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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 44514
Inscription: 17 Nov 2012
Localisation: Far Beyond Here

Messagede EagleWolf » Mar 31 Oct 2023 13:05

Seth Rollins sur son espoir de plaire au public avec son interprétation du Cobra :

"It was a really good experience and I think it's going to be pretty cool. I think our audience is going to love it. I think their audience is going to love it, so it was a cool crossover to be able to jump into some totally different skin and try a new thing out for me."

"Hopefully everyone doesn't hate me. I don't want to have ruined everybody's vision of this character, so I'm doing my best. I hope people enjoy it."

"I'm not, look, I'm 38. I've only been doing wrestling for 20 years. Only, nonstop. That's it. I worked in like crappy restaurants and a carwash when I was in my early 20s, and that's it."

"Other than that all I've done is wrestling, so anytime I get out of my comfort zone I am nervous. I'm like I suck at this, I don't know what I'm doing, but I was in good hands and it was a really fun experience and I'm excited to see how it turns out.

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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 44514
Inscription: 17 Nov 2012
Localisation: Far Beyond Here

Messagede EagleWolf » Ven 1 Mar 2024 12:33

"Really excited. I had a great time filming it. And [I] worked with the Marvel team and this wonderful makeup artist named David Atherton with whom I've collaborated on a dozen movies now."

"I think people are going to be pretty excited about what this guy looks like. And what he has to say and what he does. All power to the amazing team over there at Marvel.

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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 44514
Inscription: 17 Nov 2012
Localisation: Far Beyond Here

Messagede EagleWolf » Sam 13 Avr 2024 11:27


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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 44514
Inscription: 17 Nov 2012
Localisation: Far Beyond Here

Messagede ROY » Sam 13 Avr 2024 12:45

lol J'y ai pensé quand il a fait un commentaire en mode "j'ai enfin mon film" à la CinemaCon
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Zack Whedon
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Messagede EagleWolf » Mer 15 Mai 2024 19:42

Tim Blake Nelson lors d'une interview avec Michael Rosenbaum :
"I'm very happy about it. It's a wonderfully directed movie by Julius Onah."

"I can tell you about my character that we did everything we could, and this was entirely supported by Marvel and I'm so grateful to Kevin Feige and Nate Moore for supporting this: they were on board 100% to do the character as practically as possible with an absence of digital stuff."

"I really credit Marvel and also Julius for wanting to make a very much reality-based superhero movie, as oxymoronic as that sounds. In terms of our approach to The Leader, that's really where we went and I was really gratified to do it that way.

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Kevin Gunn
Messages: 44514
Inscription: 17 Nov 2012
Localisation: Far Beyond Here

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