[MCU] The Fantastic Four - Les News !

Tout sur The Fantastic Four ! Reed Richards, Sue Storm, Johnny Storm et Ben Grimm débarquent bientôt dans le MCU (2025)...

Messagede EagleWolf » Jeu 22 Sep 2022 11:15

Insiders add that the writing duo actually has been involved with Fantastic Four for some time, even before Shakman was tapped as director, and have been outlining where this next series of films will fit into the Marvel Cinematic Universe alongside Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige. Kaplan, Springer and Shakman now will come together to align their visions for this project before writer dive into the script. Feige is producing the pic.

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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede EagleWolf » Mer 8 Fév 2023 12:28

I had a great time working on ‘Star Trek’ for a little over a year, working closely with J.J. Abrams and everyone at Paramount, and I love that franchise, and I love that cast that J.J. put together, and it would have been an unbelievable pleasure to work with them on the fourth installment there. But movies have different journeys and momentums and and schedules are a little bit mercurial, and so when the ‘Fantastic Four’ opportunity came up, it was just too hard to pass up, and to go back home to Marvel, a place that I worked on ‘WandaVision’ at, with those people who are wonderful collaborators.”

“It’s really a family there and to be able to go back and tackle something that I truly love, and they’re very similar in some ways: they both were launched in the ’60s at the same time, they’re both about optimism and looking to the stars and technology can solve everything and they’re about family too — the family you have, the family you make. So they’re aligned in many ways and speak to my heart and equally, so I’m excited to be working on ‘Fantastic Four.'

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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede Yehuda » Mer 8 Fév 2023 12:39

J'aime beaucoup ce parallèle qu'il fait avec Star Trek !
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Stan Lee
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Messagede EagleWolf » Mer 8 Fév 2023 17:47

Matt Shakman à propos des nombreuses rumeurs de casting :
Collider a écrit:"All the casting stuff you see is just rumors. We are early in our process there. We have nothing to announce right now, and certainly, when we do we'll let you know."
ComicBook.com a écrit:"There are a lot out there, man. They really are. It's pretty crazy. As I learned from WandaVision, too, it is so lovely to see the level of engagement that fans have with this material, because I'm a fan too, and I have been reading Fantastic Four since I was a kid."

"I love these characters. I love the chance that we have to bring them to the MCU and I really want to get it right and I know that everybody out there is really excited and feels passionate in the same way wanting to get it right. And so I encourage it. I think it's great. But yeah, I have no early answers for anyone today about casting.



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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede Yehuda » Mer 8 Fév 2023 21:10

C'est sûr que parmi les dizaines de rumeurs qu'il y a plusieurs d'entre elles sont fondées, il n'y a pas de fumée sans feu... Alors Shakman ne ment probablement pas en disant qu'aucune décision ferme n'a encore été prise, c'est en effet un processus long parce que les acteurs doivent s'engager sur plusieurs années/apparitions donc ça a des implications de planning, etc. et qu'il faut tester l'alchimie entre les différentes combinaisons possibles (Reed/Sue, Johnny/Ben, Sue/Johnny ou encore Reed/Ben). Je ne serai pas étonné si certains noms du cast définitif ne sont pas parmi les rumeurs actuelles mais je suis certain que plusieurs des rumeurs concernent des acteurs et actrices réellement au moins considérés pour les rôles !

Quoi qu'il en soit on devrait être fixés lors du prochain ComicCon cet été :D puis tournage début 2024.
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Stan Lee
Messages: 9523
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Localisation: "dans le cruchemon de la caméra" dixit Kathya d'la place Clichy

Messagede EagleWolf » Jeu 9 Fév 2023 13:28

C'est toujours la même chose avec les déclarations, jouer sur les mots est un exercice classique. :lol:

Dans le détail, "... juste des rumeurs..." ne veut pas dire "fausses rumeurs" en effet, et "... nothing to annonce right now..." souligne que ce n'est pas le moment. Après, bon... :sif:

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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede Yehuda » Jeu 9 Fév 2023 14:02

EagleWolf a écrit:C'est toujours la même chose avec les déclarations, jouer sur les mots est un exercice classique. :lol:

Dans le détail, "... juste des rumeurs..." ne veut pas dire "fausses rumeurs" en effet, et "... nothing to annonce right now..." souligne que ce n'et pas le moment. Après, bon... :sif:

+1 :jap:
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Stan Lee
Messages: 9523
Inscription: 14 Juin 2013
Localisation: "dans le cruchemon de la caméra" dixit Kathya d'la place Clichy

Messagede EagleWolf » Mer 15 Fév 2023 13:06

"Well, we talked a little bit about Secret Wars. We talked about Kang Dynasty as related to Quantumania. The only other one in terms of me personally and my 23-year history is the Fantastic Four. We sort of talked about mutants and that whole aspect to the Marvel world, but Fantastic Four is the foundation for everything that came after in the comics. There's certainly been versions of it [on screen], but never inhabiting the storytelling of the MCU. And that's something that is really exciting for us. People will start to hear more about that soon. We plan on that being a big pillar of the MCU going forward, just the way they've been in the comics for 50 or 60 years."

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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede EagleWolf » Dim 26 Fév 2023 12:44

"Fantastic Four, Fantastic Four. We have Matt Shakman directing, who’s so talented and who did WandaVision for us, and I think people are going to be pretty surprised by what we’re doing."

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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede Yehuda » Lun 27 Fév 2023 20:37

Mine de rien on l'entend de plus en plus ce Nate Moore sur différentes productions Marvel Studios, je me demande si Feige ne le prépare pas à prendre sa relève après Secret Wars...
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Stan Lee
Messages: 9523
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Localisation: "dans le cruchemon de la caméra" dixit Kathya d'la place Clichy

Messagede EagleWolf » Sam 1 Avr 2023 10:43

Rebondissement très appréciable :


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Messagede Adanedhel » Sam 1 Avr 2023 11:44

Bon on ne peut pas dire que son CV donne envie de sauter au plafond, mais il semble d'avantage dans son élément que les précédents...
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Messagede EagleWolf » Sam 1 Avr 2023 12:18

C'est un peu "mi-figue mi-raisin", mais j'avais plutôt apprécié La Guerre des mondes et Les Chroniques de Sarah Connor, et puis Snowpiercer tient bien la route, le dernier Avatar.. bon.. sans être dingue niveau écriture.. ça passe bien quoi, et comme il a été choisi pour s'occuper du prochain Planet of the Apes, ça met en confiance, bref.. si tout se passe bien, il aura la possibilité de nous pondre un bon truc très potable.

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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede EagleWolf » Mar 9 Mai 2023 16:36

Très bonne idée.. !

Il a été Chef décorateur pour, entre autres, Le Nom de la Rose, Les Aventures du baron de Munchausen, Hamlet, Entretien avec un vampire, Casino, Kundun, Gangs of New York, Retour à Cold Mountain, Aviator, Le Dahlia noir, Sweeney Todd, Shutter Island, Hugo Cabret, Cendrillon, Silence.

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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede Yehuda » Mer 10 Mai 2023 10:19

Ok donc ambiance plutôt sérieuse et ambitieuse visuellement, cool ! Je trouve ça dingue que ça avance plus vite que Blade :lol: je me demande même s'ils ne vont pas carrément inverser les dates de sortie pour gagner encore un peu de temps !
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Stan Lee
Messages: 9523
Inscription: 14 Juin 2013
Localisation: "dans le cruchemon de la caméra" dixit Kathya d'la place Clichy

Messagede EagleWolf » Mar 13 Juin 2023 18:56


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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede EagleWolf » Sam 7 Oct 2023 10:50

Sans rentrer dans les détails, Matt Shakman fait le point :

[Déroulement ?] "Absolutely having a great time. It's a dream of mine to be able to work on that. I've loved those characters since I was little. It's such an awesome world to be in. The script is awesome, the characters are brilliant. I'm super excited. I'm obviously very happy now that the writers’ strike has resolved in such a good way, and we're able to reunite with Josh Friedman, our amazing screenwriter. I'm really hoping for a fair and equitable resolution to the actors’ strike soon, too. Keeping our fingers crossed. But we’re going! We're a snowball heading downhill. It's awesome. It's got a lot of momentum. It's really fun."

[Tournage ?] "Yes, we are definitely gonna go in front of cameras next year. Probably the spring."

[Retranscription visuelle ?] "We have been nonstop. Despite the strikes, yes, we've been working with the effects and with production design and building our world, and that's been incredibly exciting. You know, how do you translate those skills into live-action in dynamic ways? Because some things that work beautifully in John Byrne and Jack Kirby are a little tougher when you're filming them. How do you make sure that things are exciting but also grounded in a scientific thing, which is also part of the Fantastic Four that I love? There's some stuff I'm super excited about. I can't say too much, you know?"

[Casting ?] "Hard to say. Like I said, we're in the middle of a SAG strike, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they get a great deal really soon and we can go back. Then, once that's resolved, there'll be a plan at that point, but I can't say too much. There will be an announcement at some point! I know that the internet is very excited to find out, and I'm excited to share it. I just can't do it yet."

[Script ?] "It's different in so many ways. I wish I could be specific. I wish I could say more. But we are doing things very differently from a story standpoint, from an approach to the filmmaking standpoint, that really fits the material. I wish I could say more. I would love to, but I can't. But I think it's going to be unlike anything you've seen before, and certainly unlike anything at Marvel that you've seen before."

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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede EagleWolf » Sam 21 Oct 2023 11:07


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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede EagleWolf » Jeu 9 Nov 2023 19:04

Matt Shakman sur son approche rapport aux comics :
"I’m not so much looking at the other movies. I'm looking at the comics themselves. I'm a huge comic book fan. I’ve been a big fan of the Fantastic Four since I was a kid. So going back to Kirby and Lee and Byrne and following all the way up to what's happening, certainly Hickman and Wade and Ryan North, what he's been doing."

"I'm trying to figure out who these characters are to me and how to bring them to life in the best possible way, and that's really where I've started and how we've approached it.

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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede Yehuda » Jeu 9 Nov 2023 20:17

Bon bah clairement je préfère lire ça que l'approche qu'ils ont eu à savoir totalement l'inverse pour Secret Invasion :roll: après ça ne nous assure pas d'avoir un travail de qualité pour autant mais bon Shakman nous a quand même proposé un produit fini plutôt cool avec WandaVision donc on peut tenter de lui faire confiance...
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Stan Lee
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Messagede Adanedhel » Ven 10 Nov 2023 00:18

Bonnes références effectivement !
Until we reach the last edge, the last opening, the last star, and can go no higher - Enfys Nest

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Messagede EagleWolf » Dim 12 Nov 2023 12:37

"I love The Fantastic Four just like I love Godzilla. It's funny, we have these characters that you discover when you're a kid, and they just stick with you. Godzilla was one of them, and The Fantastic Four is another. I think I love the space race, Kennedy-era optimism of that world. The idea that we can solve all of our problems, that we can, through the right heart, the right mind, and the right technology, conquer any problem. It's different. It's different in so many ways because they are a true family."

"Not a family you find along the way like the X-Men or the Avengers, but true family with all the messiness of a family like on Monarch. With all the love, the hurt, and the complexity of that. And also, they approach things with a sort of an optimistic and scientific approach that is very different from these other Marvel characters that I absolutely love, but how they solve problems is unique and I'm excited about it as well. I hope folks like it when we put it out.

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Kevin Gunn
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Messagede EagleWolf » Mar 21 Nov 2023 18:49


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Messagede Adanedhel » Mar 21 Nov 2023 20:05

Ça voudrait dire qu'on serait fixé rapidement sur le casting...
Until we reach the last edge, the last opening, the last star, and can go no higher - Enfys Nest

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Messagede EagleWolf » Mer 22 Nov 2023 12:28

Oui, ça ne saurait trop tarder.

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